2022 Highlights


As I sit down (finally) to write the last post of 2022, all I can say is, this snuck up on me. I’m supposed to be rounding up the month of December and all of my favorite things from this past month. I even have a partial list of what I had written down earlier in the month and now that I look at it, it just seems so insignificant.

I mean, how can I say that Christmas cookies, candles or stockings are a highlight of the month when I just met my firstborn just a few weeks ago?

I can’t. It seems so silly.

So this month, I’m skipping the December Highlights, and I’ll be sharing just a few of my favorite memories this year. After all, I’ve only got two more days of 2022, and I think this year deserves to go out with a bang.

And yes, it will be chronological, because even though my life is a bit chaotic at the moment, I am who I am and there must be some semblance of order.


In February, Elliot and I had the opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime. My husband is half Peruvian and had never visited, so we took a 10 day trip to visit Lima and Cusco, complete with hiking trips to Machu Piccu and Rainbow Mountain. We had an absolutely marvelous time enjoying the food, the sights, the culture and of course, the alpacas. It was a trip we wanted to take before we had kids, and I’m so glad we took the plunge, even in the midst of COVID-19, to share this adventure.

Also, there’s absolutely no way I’d be able to hike at those elevations pregnant, so cheers to a last hurrah before getting pregnant a month after we returned.

For full deets on the trip, check out Travel Destinations: Peru.

New Job.

Shortly after Peru, I was offered a position at the organization I worked at previously (and absolutely LOVED). I joined an incredible team who is supportive and fun and hard-working and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my career. In the last year, I have learned and grown so much and I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for me.

Elliot’s 30th Birthday.

For Elliot’s 30th birthday, I threw him a surprise party at our local bowling alley. He loves to bowl and was gifted his own ball and shoes this year so it just made sense to stick with the theme. With us both working from home 90% of the time, I’m not sure how I pulled off a complete surprise, but it was really fun to spoil my favorite guy a little extra. We got a VIP tent with glow in the dark furniture and it was a super fun time.


While I absolutely did not anticipate this pregnancy happening as soon as it did, it allowed me to spend the majority of the year preparing and enjoying the excitement of a new baby. Between ultrasounds, finding out the gender of our little guy, celebrating my shower with family and friends and welcoming him into the world, it’s been such a fun chapter for us. Will is easily the best part of 2022 and I am so lucky to be his mom. Now that he is home with us, we get to ring in the New Year as a family of 3!

If you’d like to catch up on the pregnancy highlights, check out the following posts.

The Baby Announcement

20 Week Update (+ 5 Things You Need When Pregnant)

Ready or Not: The Third Trimester

The Nursery

Surprise! I Had A Baby


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Ephesians 4:22-24


2022 Reading Challenge (+ What I Read in Q4)


Surprise! I Had A Baby