101 things in 101 days
I can’t believe I’m already on my second round of 101 things in 1,001 days.
Seriously. The last challenge absolutely flew by. This time around, it looks a little bit different.
It’s a new season. A new start. And I can’t wait to begin.
For those of you new to this idea, it’s exactly what it sounds like. 101 things I’d like to accomplish in the next 1,001 days. Some of these things are things I’ve done before. Some of them are new. Some I know I’m going to accomplish and others….wellll, I guess we’ll see.
Similarly to the last challenge, I’m breaking up my goals into different categories, in hopes to grow in all aspects of life, as well as live more intentionally in the next three years. Here we go!
Start: August 18, 2022
End: May 15, 2025
9. Eat vegetarian for one week (7 days in a row).
10. Sign up for a half-marathon.
11. Run and finish half-marathon.
12. Hike 3 “local” trails (within 2 hours from home).
13. Buy a new workout outfit. (December 2023)
14. Lose the baby weight before baby’s first birthday. (September 2023)
15. Teach my baby how to help in the kitchen.
16. Figure out a skincare routine - and commit to it. (April 2023)
17. Keep a bedtime routine (as much as I can).
Advance my marketing career. (March 2023)
Plan/coordinate one event for work. (2023)
Attend a professional development conference/retreat. (March 2025)
Start a new series on the blog. (2024)
Have 100 subscribers to Always, Bekah.
Increase following on Instagram to 1,000 followers.
Update and redesign home page.
Clean up site - delete unnecessary pages.
27. Read at least 50 books in a year. (2023 - 54)
28. Complete the Goodreads Reading Challenge (2022, 2023, 2024).
29. Re-read a Harry Potter book. (August 2023)
30. Unplug for 24 hours (no TV or internet).
31. Refrain from social media for one week.
32. Vote in the next election (November 2024).
33. Try 20 new recipes and post them (good + bad).
34. Bless someone by paying for their meal.
35. Send my grandmother flowers out of the blue. (January 2024)
36. Learn to braid my own hair.
18. Create and maintain a daily morning routine of devotions/time with God. (2023)
19. Establish a church home for our family. (January 2024)
20. Organize/coordinate an event for church.
21. Write a letter of love + encouragement to 5 people.
22. Find a new devotional that I love. (January 2024)
23. Serve on a Walk to Emmaus (October 2024).
24. Read The Shack. (March 2023)
25. Celebrate baby’s baptism. (June 2023)
26. Purchase a Bible for our baby. (Thank you, Aunt Sarah + Uncle Cody!)
47. Celebrate our anniversary with a date every year (2023, 2024, almost 2025)
48. Celebrate our first milestone anniversary - 5 years! (May 2024)
49. Go on our first date - as parents! (January 2023)
50. Make a will.
51. Go on a “babymoon” before baby comes (November 2022)
52. Perform one selfless act every day for a week without expecting anything in return.
53. Refer to him as “baby daddy” as often as I can, until he gets annoyed. (2023)
54. Enjoy a couples massage (May 2024).
55. Surprise Elliot with a really great surprise. (August 2022)
37. Take my baby on his very first trip! (July 2023)
38. Go on a hiking trip to Shenandoah. (September 2023)
39. Go on our first family road trip. (September 2023)
40. Visit Harpers Ferry.
41. Take a trip to New England.
42. Take Elliot to Ireland and see the Cliffs of Mohr.
43. Spend a week in Ocean City, MD over the summer. (July 2023)
44. Book a relaxing vacation on a cruise or all-inclusive. (April 2024)
45. Take at least one trip out-of-state every year. (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
46. Visit a new state.
66. Complete nursery - paint, set up and decorate (November 2022)
67. Post nursery makeover on the blog (November 2022)
68. Purchase a new (or new-to-us) car for Elliot. (January 2024)
69. Bake bread from scratch. (2023)
70. Bake baby’s first birthday cake. (December 2023)
71. Refresh/Paint shutters. nope.
72. Decorate seasonally (2022, 2023, 2024).
73. Shop for and move into a single family home. (May 2023)
74. Decorate new home exactly the way I want. (2023-2024)
75. Buy birthday wrapping paper - and lots of it. (October 2023)
56. Roll over my 401k. (September 2022)
57. Update investments. (November 2023)
58. Debt - Free!
59. Do No-Spend September (or another month). (March 2024)
60. Unsubscribe from email lists.
61. Limit time spent scrolling on social media. (January 2024)
62. Do at least one lesson on DuoLingo every day.
63. Organize files on laptop. (2023)
64. Send Christmas cards (2022, 2023, 2024).
65. Set up a savings account for baby (October 2022)
organizing my life
76. Land on a name for our son. (September 2022)
77. Buy Baby’s Christmas stocking (November 2022)
78.Take a birthing class. (HAHAHAHA)
79. Read at least one pregnancy/parenting book. (January 2023)
80. Have all baby clothes organized and put away before delivery (November 2022)
81. Exercise regularly up until delivery (December 2022)
82. Give birth to my firstborn (December 2022)
83. Breastfeed as long as I can. (November 2023)
84. Learn to swaddle - well. (December 2022)
85. Make a handful of new mom friends.
86. Have professional family photos taken. (November 2023)
87. Find a new way to relax and recharge. (February 2024)
88. Accept help when I need it. (2023)
89. Celebrate baby’s first and second birthday. (2023, 2024)
motherhood & parenting
just for fun
90. Buy a new outfit after recovering from childbirth. (March 2023)
91. Learn about ancestry (ancestry.com or 23 & me) (June 2024).
92. Get a tattoo.
93. Upcycle/paint a piece of furniture (September 2024).
94. Finish the Anne of Green Gables series.
95. Go to a UD homecoming football game. (October 2023)
96. Celebrate turning 30, flirty and thriving. (October 2023)
97. Experience the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Franklin Institute. (August 2022)
98. See a theater show. (December 2024)
99. Visit an orchard and go apple picking every fall (2022, 2023, 2024).
100. Come up with a new “101 in 1,001” list.
101. Complete the “101 in 1,001” challenge.