My Summer 2023 Bucket List

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


This past week, Will went swimming for the very first time!! He did SO well, didn’t cry once and enjoyed hanging out and gliding around with Daddy. Our neighbors were so kind to share their pool with us, so we could try out Will’s new floatie. (I scoured Amazon and read all the reviews on dozens of options to find the CUTEST little floatie for my guy - linked here). I mean, LOOK AT IT.

Several weeks ago, Keri (Coffee With Keri) shared summer bucket list and I thought it was such a cute idea, but I figured it was a little too late to put one together - oh well, there’s always next year. But with one floatie, I changed my mind. I know we’re already in July, but ever since our little spontaneous swimming trip, I’ve decided that it’s not too late to make a Summer Bucket List. There’s time to have little adventures and spend Will’s very first summer showing him what it’s all about. There’s also time for a few things that are just for me. I mean, we still have 2 months left of hot, hot weather, and therefore, plenty of time to do a few fun summery things.

Summer Bucket List

  1. Go for a spontaneous ice cream trip.

  2. Get a base tan.

  3. Go for a hike.

  4. Take Will to Beach Week for the first time.

  5. Grill dinner more times than I can count.

  6. Eat messy watermelon wedges and get juice all over our chins.

  7. Play in the sprinkler.

  8. Go for a bike ride.

  9. Paint my toes a bright new color.

  10. Have a bonfire.


I’d love to hear some of your favorite summer activities, so please share them in the comments!


“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:1-5


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