Always, Bekah

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20 Week Update (+ 5 Things You Need When Pregnant)

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

As of today, I am officially over halfway through this pregnancy!

20 weeks and 6 days, to be exact.

In celebration, today’s post is going to be a quick update on how things are going, as well as some of my favorite pregnancy products I’ve tried and can no longer live without.

First things first, if you weren’t aware already, its a BOY!

This came as a welcome shock. We’re a very girl-heavy family, and we are already parents to two wonderful girl-pups. We were kind of convinced that we were meant to be girl parents.

What’s cool is the day before we got the results, I was sitting on the beach watching Elliot walk out into the ocean and I thought to myself,

“Wouldn’t it just be so fun to have a boy? I would really LOVE to have a boy, and buy him a little matching beach hat and swim trunks so he and Elliot can be twins? It would be SO CUTE!!”

And now I do. I have a little mini-Elliot growing inside me right now, and I cannot WAIT to have matching beach gear for my favorite guys. What a gift.

How’s Mama feeling?

I’m fine. Really. I want to eat almost all the time and I’m only stiff if I miss a day or two of exercise. I’m not too big yet and I’m getting around just fine.

On that note, I must admit that I am obsessed with any form of carbohydrate I can get my hands on. Bread, macaroni and cheese, cookies, crackers, I am ALL about it.

Am I already planning all the things I’m going to bake come fall? Absolutely. 100%.

That being said, my feelings on pregnancy are still pretty much the same. It’s okay. It hasn’t been too bad, and I know that I’ve had a very chill and easy pregnancy thus far. But it’s still not my favorite. I wouldn’t 10/10 recommend it.

Nursery Update.

The update is - in progress. Elliot has officially evacuated his old office and has set up shop in our guest room. He loves it. He’s got his own bathroom and plenty of space.

The nursery (now that I can officially call it that), is currently empty. We’re going to paint one wall a nice, not-too-dark, sage/forest-y green, and the other three a coordinating white. Our crib has arrived, praise Jesus, and I am chomping at the bit to get this room finished. Our theme is a woodland/owl theme and I can’t wait for the final product.

Pregnancy Products I LOVE.

There have been some real life-savers the last few months, and I love to share things that really do make life easier, especially during the weirdness of growing a human.

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Pink Stork Candies.

These are hard candies that come in several flavors and really do help with nausea. I would have random bouts of an upset stomach and I was so glad I got these to stash everywhere. They have ginger and other vitamins to help with morning sickness and it was just enough to help me feel okay while working or out and about.

Maternity Undies.

Maybe this is TMI but it changed the game for me. Just after the first trimester, none of my underwear fit comfortably and would dig into my swelling lower abdomen. I read A TON of reviews and finally landed on these. I’m so glad I did. They are soft and breathable, have full coverage and are cut lower in the front to accommodate a baby bump. I pretty much live in these, and they’re pretty inexpensive as a 5-pack. If you’re pregnant or planning on it anytime soon, bookmark these bad boys. Now.

Note: I sized up for extra growing room since I had just hit my second trimester but they still fit fine and I’m glad I have a little extra space.

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I mentioned this a few posts back when I shared some of my favorite skincare products - you can check it out here! I’ve been using this every night on my belly and hips to help prevent stretch marks since the first trimester. It’s also formulated to help minimize existing stretch marks and to prevent new ones from forming. A little goes a long way, and I haven’t experienced any itchiness or discomfort in my skin since I’ve been using it. It actually cleared up some dry skin on my elbows in one use earlier this week! Definitely worth it to have in your house for general skincare or for stretch marks.

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Baby/Pregnancy Journal.

My sister was so sweet and brought over a little pregnancy gift shortly after we shared the news. It was this journal (well, it was actually four journals that I could pick from) and I chose this one because it had what was important, but not too much where I couldn’t keep up with it. I update it monthly, and it’s nice to be able to document little things. I’m very excited to be able to look back when I’m pregnant again one day and compare notes.

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Maternity Biker Shorts.

I bought these on Prime Day and friends, I am not kidding when I say it’s a blessing they came in a 2-pack because I wear them at least every other day. They are so comfortable, stretchy, soft and perfect for anything from a light workout to lounging to working from home.

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For the Dads-To-Be: The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook

When we first found out I was pregnant, I ordered this book as a gift to Elliot. It’s a handy and helpful resource to help guide new dads through pregnancy - and it also gives him tips on how he can help me most for each stage of pregnancy! The handbook gives him a little synopsis of how mom and baby are doing each week, so he can be (somewhat) prepared for whatever comes next. Elliot really enjoys it and loves to share with me little updates of what’s happening to my body.

“Hey babe! Did you know that your uterus is the size of a papaya this week?”

No, I can’t say that I did, and I can’t say that I really wanted to know, but thanks honey, you’re doing great.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17