101 in 1,001: Round 2


Well, friends, I did it.

I signed up for Round 2 of a somewhat daunting, challenging and unbelievably enriching challenge of 101 things in the next 1,001 days - roughly 2 3/4 years, if you must know.

I’ll be completely honest, I love this challenge. I think everyone should do it.

Is it hard to come up with 101 things? Sure.

Is it the hardest thing you’ll ever do? Not even close.

It’s kind of fun to look at a weird chunk of time (a little less than 3 years) and think,

“What do I want to spend this time doing? What do I want to check off a list in the next few years?”

If you ask me, the time it took to assemble this list was time well spent. It was fun to kind of plan out things I’d like to do, and what made it even more fun was knowing I’m going to have a little man to check things off with pretty soon!

If I have anything to say about it, this little guy is going to love a list as much as I do!

Anyway, this post is going to be super short, because, well, I made a list of 101 things in 1,001 and that’s what I spent my blog time on this week. If you want to check it out, head on over to my new 101 in 1,001 list. If you don’t, that’s cool too.

What I really want you guys to take home today is the idea of trying it yourself. Even if you don’t think you could come up with 101 things. Try 50. Make some of them super-achievable, like something you’re doing this weekend.

Heck, I have tickets to the Harry Potter Exhibition TOMORROW. Is it on the list? Absolutely.

It doesn’t have to be super original. Feel free to use mine as inspiration, if you like. You can even Google “101 in 1,001” and find a bunch of lists. All I’m saying is that I found it so refreshing and fun that I think everyone should give it a shot.

So think about it. And start a list.


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