Always, Bekah

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101 in 1,001: Trucking Along

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

I missed the halfway point of my 101 in 1,001 challenge. I guess having a toddler will do that to you.

Anyway, for those of you who are new, I’m on my second round of this challenge. Basically, I made a list of 101 things I wanted to accomplish over the next 1,001 days, or about 3 years. A lot of the things are things I knew I would do, or already planned on, and some are things that would be going out on a limb to complete. It’s fun, and really satisfying to see all the things I’ve done in a relatively short period of time.

professional/education/blog - 2/8

  • Okay, while it seems I have done very little in this category, I did get a promotion last year, and let’s be honest, that pretty much trumps anything else in the professional development space.

  • As for the blog, I haven’t hit 100 subscribers, but I am sitting at 87 subscribers and I really love this group I’ve got. They’re very supportive and sweet and I am so grateful for them.

  • I’m really not too concerned with followers in general. I would rather focus on my real life than worry about posting enough to keep my followers. I barely post on social media as it is.

health - 3/9

  • Let me just say, I was one ambitious lady back when I created this list. I am not running a marathon anytime soon, nor am I trying out a vegetarian lifestyle anytime soon. No sir.

  • I am very happy that I was able to lose the baby weight relatively quickly. Granted, I attribute all of it to breastfeeding.

faith - 6/9

  • I found a new devotional! I just finished Upon Waking by Jackie Hill Perry, a 60-day devotional. It is SO good.

  • We recently found a new church home for our family and are so blessed by this transition. While we miss our previous church family, this was the right move for our family.

personal - 4/10

  • Last year, I hit my reading goal for the first time - 54/50 books.

  • I haven’t yet crossed off voting, but this is election year, so I definitely will!

  • Yes, I’m slowly re-reading Harry Potter. They’re classics.

travel - 6/10

  • Last year, we took Will on our annual beach trip to Ocean City, Maryland, and to Shenandoah National Park for a hiking trip. These were fun, easy trips where we could get used to traveling with a baby in a low-stress environment. I can’t wait to share more of the world with him!

  • I did it. I booked a cruise for Elliot and I. It’s a 4-night cruise, so I won’t be away from Will for too long, but it is much needed. I am so looking forward to spending a few days away in the sun with my husband, and not washing a single dish, high chair, or tiny human.

marriage - 5/9

  • In the last 500-ish days, we have become parents and navigated our marriage with the addition of a baby-now-toddler. It’s been an adjustment and an adventure.

  • This May, we celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary!

organizing my life - 7/10

  • We just completed a No-Spend-March!! It was super hard, especially since March is ten years long, but we did it. I think we’ve done this once or twice before, but essentially, we choose a month (preferably with no birthdays or holidays) and try to spend the bare minimum. Amazon purchases must wait til the next month, and we don’t eat out. In the end, we save so much money and reset our spending habits at the same time.

  • Several months ago, I set a limit on my screen time for social media for 1 hour a day. More recently, I cut it down to 45 minutes, and had Elliot set the code to request more time. I don’t know the code, so I can’t ask for more time, even if I wanted to. If there’s a funny reel I want to show him, I can ask him to request more time. It’s been great.

home - 9/10

  • Oh my, have I been busy in this department! Since August 2022, we’ve finished the baby’s nursery, had a baby, sold our home, purchased and moved into a single family home, started decorating the new house, baked Will’s first birthday cake, bought a truck and baked a lot of bread. This category is COMPLETE.

  • Okay, so not exactly 100%, but to me, it’s complete. The tenth item is an update that I wanted to do for our old house - paint the shutters. I’m gonna have to take a loss on that one.

motherhood & parenting - 12/14

  • I’m honestly so blessed that I was able to complete as many items in this category as I did. Welcoming a baby into the world is such a wonderful, surreal experience and I’m grateful I can look back in this way and smile at how excited I was to purchase a Christmas stocking for Will, and choose his name, and put away his clothes and prep his room and breastfeed him for as long as I could and all of those little, big things.

  • No, I didn’t take a birthing class. Will decided to enter the world before I had a chance to, so Elliot Googled some breathing techniques in the waiting room and was a total champ throughout my labor.

just for fun - 5/11

  • I turned 30! Woohoo!

  • I also finally went to a UD Homecoming game and also visited the Harry Potter Exhibition when it came to Philly, so things are going pretty well.

See this gallery in the original post