April Highlights


It’s the end of the month again!

When I look back at this April, it was a busy one. Like I probably can’t remember half of it, but the half I remember? That part was lovely.

Except one thing - my garden. We have been working hard to redo our front flower beds, and I wish I could share that we finished, but that will be something for the May post!

new cake recipes.

Last month’s Highlights post was before Easter, so I didn’t get to share with you guys the cake recipes I made. My brother-in-law’s birthday happened to land on Easter weekend, so I made two brand-new cakes for those occasions. For Cody’s birthday, I made a French Silk Pie Cake - it had dark chocolate layers with an Oreo crust! SO GOOD - and a carrot cake for Easter. I’m not usually big on carrot cake, but this one had a bit of spice paired with an almond cream cheese buttercream, and even I enjoyed it.


I honestly can’t remember the last time I had my hair colored, but I’m starting to go grey (for real) and I needed to blend it in so I can stop asking Elliot to pull all my hairs once a week. I got some caramel highlights and at first, I thought my hair was orange, but now that it’s settled in, I love them. They’re light and breezy and perfect for summer!

mimosas for marrow 5k.

I ran my first 5K since before I was pregnant with Will. OOF. I signed up because my brother-in-law sponsored the event and did not plan on running whatsoever. I mean, I’ve only run a handful of times since I’ve HAD Will, and it has not gone super well. But I did it, I didn’t die (thought I would a couple times though) and it was fun. I also signed up for the bone marrow registry so maybe one day I can help someone.


Elliot and I went on our first kid-free vacation, since we’ve had a kid of course. I scored a deal on a 4-night cruise, where we relaxed, slept, spent lots of quality time together, did not cook or clean or chase a toddler around, and had a lot of fun exploring the ship and destinations. I think 4 nights was the perfect length for this little getaway. We had enough time to unwind, but were ready to get back to our little family!

new milestone for Will.

Naturally, as soon as we left on vacation, Will started walking. He’s been super close for a while now and of course he would pull the trigger as soon as Mom and Dad are out of town. He’s shuffling around the house now with his wobbly legs like a teeny tiny drunk person and it’s adorable. Now that he can walk, I took him for his first trip to the park to play on the playground and he loved it!


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3


Things I’ve Been Into Lately


101 in 1,001: Trucking Along