New Mom Here! How Things Are Going


The last few months have been a mixture of exhausting, exciting, frustrating and so, so sweet. This time away from blogging was exactly what I needed to adjust, recover and fully focus on being a mom to my little guy. Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support while I stepped away for a bit.

I promise I will get back to regular-ish content eventually, but right now, I’m 100 percent in mom-mode, so I’m starting back with a little update on Will and our little fam.

Will is officially 10 weeks old. I know, I can’t believe it either. I have less than two weeks til I return to work, and no I haven’t fully processed it yet, so we’re not talking about it thankyouverymuch.

He’s doing great. At his 2 month appointment, he weighed in at 9 lbs, 5 oz. He officially outgrew his newborn diapers and pajamas last week and he is rapidly growing out of the rest of his newborn clothes. I’m so happy he’s growing, but also so sad that he’s getting so big.

Will has looked just like my husband from the moment he was born, but he has my nose and expressions. I’m hoping he grows a few more of my features, but if not, he’s still the cutest little mini-Elliot I could have imagined.

He loves music and smiles when I sing to him. Will loves a good snug, does not love tummy time and eats a TON. He nurses and takes a bottle like a champ, sleeps as soon as he’s all tucked in his carseat for a walk or drive and can sleep through almost anything. He is such a good baby - so good, that we are terrified to have another at any point because it’s destined to be a tiny monster with how good Will is.

Our most recent development (and our favorite, praise Jesus) was last week. We kicked him out of the bedroom and into his crib at night. Why? Because this child makes all kinds of unnecessary noises ALL NIGHT LONG. For the last month or so, we have been awakened multiple times throughout the night to a cacophony of snorts, grunts, whines and general babble, for absolutely no reason. Most times, I would just lie there because this child would continue in his quest for constant sound and never get back to sleep.

So last week, we put him down in his crib, turned on his mobile and voila! He went to sleep. We were able to sleep - I got up once in the night for his nighttime feed and the boy slept again until almost 6.

It was what dreams are made of.

Literally. Because, you know, you dream when you sleep.

I didn’t know I could love him more, but it turns out that my capacity for love grows with the amount of rest I’ve had. Who knew?

Now that I’m mentally preparing to go back to work and whatever version of “real life” is my new normal, I’m realizing how I’ve changed as a person. Motherhood has definitely made an impact on me, and I think it’s for the better. I’ve had a crash course in flexibility, imperfection and priorities. I’ve learned to ask for help. I’m learning to rest when I can, not when everything is done, and I’m learning how important it is for me to take a little time for myself each day. I’m still working on the new boundaries as a parent, but hey, I think I’ve made some real progress here.

The other big change I’ve noticed is my vocabulary. I’m using phrases I’ve never used before, words I’ve never used before and I may have conversations with Will where I stand-in as Will, and therefore have a whole conversation with myself. Very normal.

I am now a person who uses the following phrases 19 times a day.

  • Excuse me, sir!

  • Oopsie poopsie!!

  • Hongry boy!

  • Do you want some boob snacks?

  • Are you doing a poops?

Elliot and I absolutely adore this little guy and are so excited for this new chapter as a family of three! Thank you so much for your support and for showing up back here after I spent some time away. I’m not sure if I’ll be 100% back to posting every week, but here’s to starting!


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In The Messy Moments