The Seasonal Swap

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


I’ve been asking myself if we’re out of the woods yet for a month.

Regarding the weather, of course.

Spring in Delaware is an extreme case of “hit or miss” because it could be sunny and 72 with a gentle breeze one day, and 43 with icy winds the next.

It’s not my favorite time. Let’s just say that.

I had a small rage the other week due to the realization that everything I want to wear come October is actually the perfect wardrobe for March and April, but for WHATEVER reason, I sweat to death for half of October and then I’m expected to wear light, springy clothing and dresses in a month where I need my sweaters back. WHY IS IT THIS WAY.

It’s infuriating, so if you see me wearing fall colors in April, mind ya business.

Anyway, I finally pulled the trigger and did the switch from winter to summer - that is wardrobe and bedding.

Growing up, my mom always had one day where we packed up all our winter clothes and down comforters and swapped it out for summer clothes and bedding. So I do the same thing now.

Full disclosure: I started this process three weeks ago, and due to busyness, general laziness and this weather, I just finished this past weekend. I am not a hero who can do it all in one day (sorry, Mom).

I get that some people have enough room in their closets and dressers to keep all your clothes out year-round. I do not have that luxury, but kudos to you if you do.

Or if you’re my Aunt Janice who lives in Arizona where its summer all the time....this post is not for you. Sorry. Carry on enjoying that lovely heat all the time like the desert goddess you are.

Today I’m sharing with you my “seasonal swap” process, because sometimes I have good ideas that save some space and money. Sure, maybe it’s silly and most people do this already, but hey, if something can help someone, I’m going to share it.

First, I take out all the heavy winter clothing that I will definitely not wear until it’s cold again. This includes heavy sweaters, hoodies, fleece-lined leggings and sweatpants. I keep a handful of layers out for occasional chilly weather, but I don’t need 20 sweatshirts at my disposal. I fold it up Marie-Kondo style (to save space) and shove them into jumbo-sized vacuum seal bags. These are the ones I use. BONUS: They come with a hand pump if you travel with these bad boys and don’t have access to a vacuum.

I pack up my heavy throw blankets from my living room in a bag or two. I like to keep some light blankets out for summer couch snugs, but again, we don’t need the heavy artillery.

The last thing to get packed up is our duvet. I take our down duvet out of the cover and pack that away in a vacuum sealed bag as well.

Once the vacuum seal bags are vacuumed and sealed, I put them away in the attic or basement. It takes up way less space than using bins, and they can even fit under a bed if need be.

When everything is put away, I have plenty of room to put away my shorts, tanks and swimsuits (which conveniently take up a LOT less space). I don’t have to shove clothes in drawers that don’t fit and it makes a much tidier setup.

For bedding, we usually struggle in the summer because Elliot is a furnace and runs at 1,000 degrees at all times, so we keep it cool in our bedroom at night. (We have a smart thermostat with sleep settings that are cooler - it’s a game changer. If you live with a furnace, I highly recommend.) It’s hard to find a light summer blanket that is warm enough for me, and the last few years I’ve survived by throwing an extra blanket on my side of the bed.

This year, I found a solution.

I just purchased a beautiful new quilt from Target and friends, I am IMPRESSED. It’s a linen blend with a cotton backing, and so breathable, but the best part is the weight. This thing is HEAVY. It feels like you’re under a heavy blanket, minus the stifling warmth. It also comes in a King Plus size, which I’m a big fan of, because we have a tall mattress and it covers both sides. LOVE. Elliot loves it too. 5 stars from the Salinas fam. Here’s the link if you’re looking for a summer quilt that checks all the boxes.

Once all of those heavy clothes and blankets are packed away, my home feels likes it’s actually ready for warmer weather. My lighter clothes are ready to go for warm days and my home is clutter-free.

If you do some kind of seasonal swap in your home, share in in the comments below! I need all the tips I can get.

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” James 1:21

“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22


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