February Highlights

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


Okay, so February has been a super-fun, wild month. For those of you who don’t follow along on Instagram, I took a 10-day vacay!! Surprise!!

That being said, this post will be a little bit on the shorter side. Let’s just jump right in before I babble on for no reason.


That’s pretty much my entire month, but I’ll try to make this a little more diverse.

My husband, Elliot, is half Peruvian, and up until two weeks ago, he had never been to Peru. After two long years of weird travel restrictions, we planned an adventure to visit the land of his ancestors. It was a super-fun, action packed trip and we had an absolute blast. 10 days of exploration, tours, hiking and food, and we’re back home snuggling with our girls. We missed them a lot.

Yes, Peru deserves it’s own whole post - stay tuned for that, it’s coming soon.

Harvest Ridge.

Before we left, Elliot treated me to a wine-tasting date at Harvest Ridge. I love visiting local wineries and breweries. It really doesn’t matter to me what kind of wine they make (although I prefer a dry red, if you’re asking), because I enjoy the overall experience and trying new things. If you swing by, be sure to pick up a bottle of the Hero white wine. It was to die for!

Books I Read.

Since I was traveling for half the month, I had some time to read a few books and (almost) catch up to my reading goal for this year! Here are the books I read:

The Combatant by Julie Falango - 4.5/5

Julie is a friend of mine from college, so when she announced that she wrote her very first novel, I hopped on board and bought it as soon as it was released. It’s a fun, adventurous YA novel that has a lot of Hunger Games vibes mixed with a little bit of a fairy tale. I finished it on the flight - I couldn’t put it down!

This is the first of 2 books by Elin hilderbrand that I read on vacation and I’m becoming quite a fan. She is the queen of interesting stories with many characters whose stories intertwine. It’s a delightful, beach-read-type story and a real vacation. The ending was so perfect and I loved how she tied up all the loose ends.

This book was SO GOOD. I loved the mystery behind it. It’s set in the Caribbean, and kept you guessing throughout the whole book. And then it ended on a major cliff-hanger! So I’m (im)patiently waiting for the sequel to become available at the library.

This is the cutest vacation book ever. It’s the sweetest story of two best friends and I just adored every chapter of this book. Definitely perfect for a beach read or lighthearted break from a thriller. I couldn’t wait to finish it.


“The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.” Deuteronomy 31:8

“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge. His truth is your shield and armor. You do not need to fear terrors of the night, arrows that fly during the day.” Psalm 91:4-5


6 Must-Pack Travel Essentials


The One Where I Talk Way Too Much About Owl City