Always, Bekah

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Week of Gratitude

Maybe I’m redundant or predictable, but I’m going to talk about gratitude again this week.

I mean, it’s a week til Thanksgiving, and if I’m not talking about gratitude now, what am I even doing?

On a more logical note, Thanksgiving falls on the last Thursday of the month, and naturally, I will be posting my monthly highlights on that day. Plus, I know you all are totally dedicated readers, but you will also be very busy with the holiday festivities and spending time with family and I hope you won’t be reading my blog on Thanksgiving. So I will be posting my “Thanksgiving” post today.

Gratitude is hard. As sinners, it’s not second nature to us to be grateful for everything we are given. Sometimes we think we deserve things, or even that we deserve more than we have. Even in the midst of the “gratitude season”, if you will, I find myself taking things for granted. It’s difficult to maintain a focus on being thankful if I’m not making it a priority.

I used to do a daily journal (I’m not much of a journal-er, to be honest) where I would list 3-5 things I was grateful for every day. The point was to pick out the smallest things that made me happy and to create a habit of being grateful for the little things, just as much as the big things.

If I did it today, it would look like:

Putting up my Christmas tree.

The break in the rain this afternoon to take a chilly walk with Elliot and the girls

Compression socks

A quiet evening at home with no plans

Plenty of baby kicks

This year, I’m trying something new. In order to keep myself focused on things that I’m truly grateful for, I will be posting a Week of Gratitude on social. Maybe not every post will be a lovely, aesthetically pleasing photo, but that really doesn’t matter. I’m excited for this challenge. I’m looking forward to seeking out little joys in my life, big and small. Maybe one day it will be my girls, maybe one day it will be a cup of coffee I thoroughly enjoyed. Who knows? I’m going into this with eyes wide open to all the blessings I receive daily that I might be missing.

This challenge will begin today, and end on Thanksgiving. I pray that each of you takes a few minutes each day for the next week to point out a few things you’re truly grateful for. Even just one per day, like me. You could write it down or even make a mental note of it while driving. However is best for you - just do it.

Happy Week of Gratitude!

If you’re really in the spirit of Thanksgiving and are looking for a little extra gratitude content, check out the following posts:

Gratitude in the Granular

8 Reasons to be Grateful

The Little Joys: An Everyday Journey To Gratitude