2022: Goals and Stuff

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen almost everybody posting about their various forms of a New Year Resolution. Some people choose a word to focus on, some people make goals of what they won’t do anymore, or things to let go of. Some make new habits, and some make goals. It’s kind of cool to see how everyone goes about making goals for the new year in their own way.

Me? I haven’t really landed on any particular thing.

Last year, I decided on a whim to try a challenge where I posted once a week on Instagram to grow my page. Well, as it turns out, I don’t even enjoy posting on social that much to begin with, much less once a week for no other reason than “I said I was going to”. Over the summer, it became a chore. I didn’t want to fail and “not finish” the year, so I continued every week and I started to resent it. It’s hard to keep up with something for an entire year if you don’t love it. And I don’t love posting on social. I can’t tell you how good it felt to post that last post in December and be done.

So I won’t be doing that again. I only have so much time outside of work and responsibilities; I don’t want to waste it on things that don’t bring value to my life.

Last year, I had three main goals for 2021: to throw out “stuff”, to create experiences and to give myself grace.

Of all three, the one I did most was give myself grace. In 2021, I did a lot of work on myself to let things go, create boundaries and allow myself to take breaks and rest. If I learned anything last year, it’s that I can’t control a single human being except myself, and not to worry about things I can’t control.

I also threw out a bunch of stuff. Let’s not forget that. I definitely have a lot more to throw away this year.

Creating experiences was tough, with restrictions changing. We still took several trips, and took advantage of the time we had to try new places around the state. Nora Lee’s in New Castle is probably my favorite new restaurant. If you have the opportunity, go.

This year, I’ve decided not to make any goals that I don’t already love. In the last few months, I’ve cultivated several good habits that enrich my life so much, and my goal this year is to keep it up. That’s it. Keep up what I’m already doing. If I pick up a few more good things, then great! But for now, I’m in a good place. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this “at peace” with myself and my life, but it is so, so sweet.

Since I know you all are on the edge of your seats, here are my habits that I’ve started in 2021 and will continue in 2022.

Working Out (almost) Daily.

I was blessed this year with a job that had a normal schedule and allowed me time every day to exercise. Almost every morning, I get up early and work out before breakfast, and it has been so good for me. There are a lot of days where I just do some yoga, or mobility work, but that movement to start my day has massive benefits for my body and mental health, even if I’m not burning all the calories.

Dating My Husband.

In the last few months, Elliot and I have been very intentional about setting aside time each week (or every other) for a date night. Sometimes we just do a DateBox at home (they’re so fun, I signed up for another 6 months subscription - click this link for a discount on your first box) or we will grab dinner at our favorite spot in town. We don’t spend a lot on dates, but last year we set aside a small “date budget” each month to ensure that we made it a priority. It’s so important to take a little time each week to date. We get to catch up on work and life, play games, learn a little more about each other and most of all, strengthen our relationship.

Mental Health

2021 was the first year I made my mental health a priority. I tend to be an overachiever and perfectionist, and not let myself have a break. I started seeing a therapist early last year to help with handling my stress, boundaries and control-freakishness (for lack of a better word). It has been an invaluable experience, working through situations that make me stressed, anxious or frustrated, and learning how to deal with it without getting worked up. It’s hard work, but months later, I’m seeing the difference. I plan to continue working on that.

Scripture Reading

Okay, so let me begin by saying I LOVE DEVOTIONALS. I think they’re great. I have a few favorites that I’ll be sharing with you in the near future.

HOWEVER. I was listening to a podcast a few months ago about studying the Bible on Living Easy with Lindsey and she was talking about how scripture itself is more important and how devotionals are great for supplemental study, but the meat and potatoes of your study should be in the Word. I agree completely. Always have. It was a reminder to me, although I spend 20 minutes every morning doing devotions, I probably read more devotions than actual scripture.

SO, I decided I’m taking a break from devotionals (at least for a few months) and I’m diving right in. I started in late October/early November, and I’m working through the Gospels - with the sole intention of getting to know the heart of Jesus. It’s one thing to read it. It’s another to have a set intention to focus the reading. It feels new. Anyway, that’s my “goal”, if you will, for 2022 - to read Scripture with the purpose of learning who Jesus is a little bit better.

This was longer than usual, but I had a lot to cover. Two whole years of goals and such. In the middle of working through my New Year’s thoughts, I remembered that my 101 in 1,001 list ends in July THIS YEAR. So I’ll be working on knocking some of that out too.

If it’s something that interests you, get cracking on a list of your own and we can start again together this July!


“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” - 2 Timothy 1:7


My 5 Favorite Devotionals


A Recap of 2021