April Highlights


Hey friends!

I honestly can't believe May is upon us. When writing this post, I asked myself, "Did I even DO anything this month?"

For the record, I did do a few things, otherwise there would be no point to this post and that would be a real bummer.

Despite having relatively few events on my calendar this month, I did have quite a few things going on and it's been a lovely April.

However, I'm okay if May brings some real spring weather. I'm done with 40 degree days, thankyouverymuch.


In our family, we kick off April with my brother-in-law, Cody's birthday, and we end the month with my mom's birthday! I love birthdays, and I love celebrating all weekend long with my favorite people on the planet. I also love a good excuse to whip up a fun cake! it was my first time with both of these cakes, but they turned out SO good!! You can get the recipe for the chocolate cake here, and stay tuned for that strawberry shortcake recipe, because it's a keeper!


Raised Garden Bed.

Earlier this month, Elliot and I constructed our very first raised garden bed! This year, I'm attempting to grow zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, brussels sprouts and spinach. I can't WAIT to plant all my veggies and get this garden GROWING! Check out the whole post here!



In the last couple weeks, I've had the opportunity to take some time and date my husband. We've been so busy lately, and I couldn't tell you the last time we went out together. We took a day trip down to the outlets and did some shopping (ya girl needed some fresh new pieces for spring!). We also tried a new local spot, First State Brewery in Middletown, and they easily have the best cheese curds I've ever had. 10/10 would recommend. Anyway, it was nice to hang out with Elliot, without a million things to do.


New Makeup. LOLZ.

Okay, so the biggest (haha) thing I did in April was get a stye. I'm telling you, this thing was no. heckin. joke. and has lasted for the majority of the month. I named it Rosa. Anyway, it got super large, and it had to be drained.

(Naturally, there is a whole story, but it's too long for this little blurb here. I could, however, be persuaded to write a fun narrative of the ordeal if there’s enough interest in the comments. Bonus points for the hashtag #drainagedeets.)

ANYWAY, due to this small disaster, I have had to A. throw out all my makeup (so sad), and B. refrain from any and all eye makeup until this dang thing is 100% gone.

I am devastated. Not that I even wear makeup more than twice a week, but like, sometimes I just wanna feel a little extra pretty. HECK.

The good news is I got to buy new makeup, which I'm positively STOKED about. It also just so happened that I was gifted a free IPSY bag this month, so I have TONS of new things to try and play with, whenever I get released from this eye-purgatory. Hopefully soon. Pray for me.


“For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:11-12

“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.” James 5:7


The Splash Zone


My Favorite Healthy Snacks: The Sequel