Always, Bekah

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5 Quick + Easy Beauty Hacks

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

It's been a year since the pandemic started. How crazy is that?

I mean, it's been a whole year since I went out in public without a mask.


I'll be honest, my "beauty regimen" if I can even call it that, has definitely suffered as a result. I mean, what's the point of doing your makeup when you don't go out, and when you do, half your face is covered, anyway?

There is no point.

However, there is a rule of thumb that I lived by for years, and I heard it from a girl on the softball team in high school. I honestly don't even remember who it was, but she was brilliant.

Here it is.

"Of the 3 main things I worry about when heading out, (Hair. Makeup. Outfit.), I can only be expected to do 2 on a regular basis."

Genius, right?

Like, if you want to go all out and do all three, that's your prerogative, but I can only be expected to do 2 on a regular basis.

And since I've been averaging 0-1, for the vast majority of the last year, it's time to step it up, I think. Even though I work at a hospital and wear scrubs to work, I feel better when I put a little bit of effort into my appearance, but, like, not too much effort. Ain't nobody got time for that.

And so, I have been on a small, and very low-key, quest to find and test low-maintenance products to enhance my facial aesthetic, while spending very little time and money on said hacks. Can it be done? The world may never know, but here's what I found.

Lash Serum.

A friend at work had gorgeous lashes, and I was like, "FRIEND, tell me how!!", and since she's a kind soul, she sent me the link to this lash serum. She did warn that it takes a couple months for results, and you have to be very consistent, like, every. single. night., but hey, I'm ok with that if I don't have to get my lashes done, which is expensive and I feel like it wrecks your real lashes. I have this one, and I'm starting to see some length and curl after 8 weeks.

Brow Gel.

Okay, literally every single person on the face of the planet needs brow gel. It is magic. I used it the actual day before getting my eyebrows done, and someone complimented me and asked if I had just gotten them done. Like, absolutely not, but thank-you-so-much-you-are-too-kind. This is the one I use. It looks natural, holds everything in place and lasts all day long. Like 12 hr shift long.

Sea Salt Spray.

I have wavy to curly hair, and I spent way too many years with crunchy curls. You know what I'm talking about. All through high school, I straightened my bangs, and put so much product into my hair that those curls were cemented in place for probably a week if I left it alone. Now that I'm a (sort-of) grown up, I've decided to never have crunchy curls again, and started being a little nicer to my hair. I started using a sea salt spray instead of the typical styling products. This is the one I use. I simply hop out of the shower, spritz a little all over, and comb it through. It creates natural waves, without the crunch of hair gel, and isn't frizzy. My hair thanks me.

Round Brush Hair Dryer.

I can do a lot of things. However, I cannot blow dry my hair. I don't know why, it's just not a gift I was blessed with. I tried out this new hair dryer/round brush, and I am not kidding, my thick-as-heck hair took 15 minutes to dry and was soft, wavy and ready for any style. I love being able to actually blow dry my hair quickly before bed so that it's less of a hassle in the morning.

At-Home Exfoliation.

When I was a flight attendant, this was my favorite skincare hack when on a layover. I used to grab some coffee grounds and exfoliate my face and body in the shower.

Why? Because it gets all over the shower, and I didn't have to clean it.

But sometimes I still do it, because its the best exfoliator I've ever tried. My skin has never been softer than after exfoliating with coffee. It's just so. good. Also great for those spots on your thighs that get cellulite-y. Try it. Preferably before you clean your shower.

You're welcome.

Reminder: Clean Your Makeup Brushes.

For those of you who are like me, and don't clean your makeup brushes as often as you should, here's your sign. Clean your brushes. I use this makeup cleaning mat to quickly clean my brushes with some antibacterial soap in a couple minutes. And then, you know, I'm not rubbing gunk into my skin every day. Always a plus.

Stay Beautiful!

"Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8