February Highlights

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


I've been asked several times lately to make plans or appointments in March, and I was like,

"Um, isn't that a little far out??"

Plot twist: March is next week. Not far out. I'm just behind.

I guess with the last month of snow, it hasn't felt very March-ey, if you will, so forgive me for that lapse in judgement and awareness.

However, the good news is that the end of February means it's time for my February Highlights, and I've got some good stuff for you guys!


In January, I booked us a little weekend getaway in the Outer Banks over Valentine's weekend. I thought it would be nice to be able to walk to the beach and chill and read and eat some good seafood. I checked the average weather for February, and it was between 50-65 degrees and sunny. Perfect. Well, it just so happened that there has been a major winter storm across the entire east coast for the last month or so, and it rained the whole time. But we did relax, we did walk to the beach, and we did eat a bunch of really good seafood. So all in all, it was delightful, and you can read more about it here.

Alarm Clocks.

Sounds dumb, but bear with me. Earlier this year, Elliot watched The Social Dilemma, and became very passionate about spending less time on our phones. I agreed, as I am guilty of scrolling for way too long, and quite honestly, social media has gotten out of control. I decided to buy myself an old-school alarm clock, so that the first thing I grabbed every morning wasn't my phone. I didn't get a really fancy one or anything, I just wanted an affordable alarm clock with sleep sounds because I like a fan and it's cold. (This is the one I got.) It's been a game-changer. It's so nice being able to put my phone on Do Not Disturb before I even get in bed and I'm done with it. I don't scroll before bed anymore and I don't think I'll ever go back.

The Living Easy Podcast.

I found a new podcast - Living Easy with Lindsey - and it's exactly what I've been looking for for a while now. If i'm listening to something that isn't music, I want it to enhance my relationship with Jesus, and improve my life with encouragement, tips and refocusing on my faith. Lindsey does all that. She's down to earth, talks about real life (not just a highlight reel), and everything she teaches is based on scripture. Love it. If you want to try it out, click here for her first episode. It's only 20 minutes, and it's a great intro.

Ben's First Birthday!

My best friend's baby just turned one this month! He is the most precious, and most active little nugget on the face of the planet, and celebrating his birthday was such a fun way to brighten this snowy month. I was honored to be asked to make his smash cake, and it turned out pretty well! (especially since I haven't baked in months and panicked the entire time - no pressure). Anyway, here's some cute baby pics and the cakes!


New Office Space.

This month, we officially moved Elliot's office into our spare room. Since he is primarily working from home, it was time to create a more dedicated space for him to be on calls and get work done. It forced us to clear out a bunch of junk and create a useful space. He loves his new office, but the best part is that I am turning his old space (the loft) into a space for me to work and stay organized. For the last year and a half or so, I've done all my blogging on the couch in my living room, and it's so nice to actually have a place to be productive that doesn't make me want to nap all the time ( LOLZ, but actually..). It's not quite finished, but I'll share photos as soon as it's complete!

New Freebie.

Several months ago, I created a brand new, free tool - My Anywhere + Everywhere Travel Guide. It's got everything you need the next time you're planning a trip, including an editable packing list (but I started it for you, in case you want it ready to go!), an itinerary, and some tips! It is also a digital file, so you don't have to print it out if you don't want to. I launched it last week on the post, but as of today, it's for subscribers only, so check it out on my home page!

Social Media Hiatus.

For Lent this year, I have decided to give up social media. I shared this with my subscribers last week, so some of you already know. It was a difficult decision because although I know that scrolling and comparing my life to others' is a horrible and destructive habit, social media is the only way I promote my blog. I have been spending the last month or so increasing my presence on Instagram and Facebook in order to grow my followers and subscribers, so it's a bummer to put that work on hold, but it will be okay. I don't make my living off the blog, and I don't want to be famous. My relationships and my joy are so much more valuable than getting more readers, so I won't be on social media until Lent is over.

However, I have decided that I will still post my #scriptureoftheweek, so if you follow my accounts on Instagram or my Facebook page, they will still be there. I chose to do that in January, and I will follow through with that. The blog post is also automatically posted to my Facebook page, so those are the only times you'll see me posting.

That being said, if you haven't subscribed already, please do. I promise I only send one email a week, and I keep it fun. Mostly, it means the world to me that you're willing to let me in your inbox so we can do life together, and this way, we can keep in touch on a more personal level.

I will ask a favor of you, my beloved and supportive readers. If you have a favorite post, I would love if you could share it with a friend who would enjoy it. That little bit of exposure and the chance to welcome a new reader means more than you know. Thank you so much for sticking with me so far, I wouldn't have made it this far without your support.❤️

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

"Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23


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