How I Prepared For Fall This Year

It’s here.

It’s finally here.

I want you all to know that in perfectly-normal-and-sane behavior, I started making plans for decorating a MONTH ago. Actually, over a month. The first week of August, I was like “OKAY FAMILY, this house needs to be an autumn fairytale in two weeks, flat! We need pumpkins, and candles, and baskets, and hay bales, and everything in our basement that is an earthy tone. OKAY GO!!”

Also, by “family”, I mean the girls. Obviously.

Naturally, nothing went to plan. I hit Marshall’s, 2 different HomeGoods, and Costco in the same week, and they had NOTHING. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’m just trying to get my fall decorations up so I can photograph them and put them up on the blog early so my dear readers can get some ideas, but NOOOO, nobody wants to help me out by SELLING ME STUFF.

I was distraught, to say the least.

So I went home, distraught, disappointed and utterly defeated, and did the only thing that was left to do. I walked around my house and imagined what I wanted everything to look like so that I could easily put it together when I FINALLY found the pieces I was missing.

In my “home scavenger hunt” if you will, I checked out my powder room. UGH, the powder room. This room has been the bane of my existence since I moved in. When we bought the house, it was painted the darkest teal known to man. Basically black. In a tiny powder room. I could not. In an effort to brighten it up, we painted it a dusty pink color, which looked nice in the store, but in a tiny powder room, was just too much pink. I never liked it. Also, I was never able to find a cute shelf or anything that looked nice in there, so I’ve been on a low-key hunt to spruce up the bathroom for about a year and a half now.

Anyway, one quiet Saturday evening (after my week of decor defeat), I went in the powder room, and I was DONE. The last piece of the powder room that made no sense was a full length towel bar, for a single hand towel. I had put up with it for two year, but no more. I announced, “THIS HAS GOT TO GO!!” and ripped the whole thing off the wall.

Okay, I tried to pull it off the wall. And again. And then Elliot came over, like “What in the world…” and took it off for me. Needless to say, his idea of a quiet Saturday evening did not include removing hardware from our powder room and spackling. He was less than thrilled with my new endeavor, but he didn’t really have much choice. I was on a mission.

Fast forward to the next day, I went to repaint over the spackle, and found that we had extra of every other color in our house except the pink. Darn.

“Honey, I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is we don’t actually have more pink paint. The good news is I didn’t like it anyway and I’m going to repaint the whole thing!”

“I’m sorry, what’s the good news again? None of that sounds good.”

What a peach, right?

If I thought he wasn’t a fan of spackling on a Saturday night, let me tell you, this guy really doesn’t love painting a whole bathroom on a Sunday night. Who knew?

I appeased his disapproval by letting him finish dinner, while I taped and painted the whole thing. I’m so thoughtful.

We did end up getting a new shelf, and redecorated the powder room, with its brand-new tan (SO much better). Here’s my brand new powder room!

I also redid our whole welcome area/foyer for more fall decorations, and even got some up!!

Also, because I can’t take a photo without snapping one of the girls, here’s some early fall puppy photos!

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:25

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” Hebrews 3:4


The One Where My Vacation Got Crashed


Wait For It