What Makes A Mom

And Why Mine’s The Bomb


My mom is incredible. Let’s just start there.

I mean, she raised me, and I am INCREDIBLY sassy, so that alone establishes an unmatched level of resilience, not to mention my equally-sassy-but-more-fabulous sister.

She taught me pretty much everything I know, and has instilled in me values that I hold close to my heart.

Does she drive me absolutely nuts? ALL. THE. TIME.

Do I drive her nuts? GUARANTEED.

What can I say? I’m more and more like her every day.

But somehow, she still finds it in her heart to love me endlessly, and always show up for me whenever I need it. And that, I think, is what being a mom is really all about.

Since she crushes the mom game, I have written down 10 of my favorite reasons that my mom is the bomb.com. I hope they give you a glimpse of the very special person she is, and why she means so much to me.

Sometimes I’m convinced she just has endless amounts of energy. I wish I inherited that quality from her, but ya girl gets TIRED. My mom is always up early, she calls me on my way to work (which is like, 6 AM), and she spends each and every day trying to help others and serve in any way she can.

She has made weekly trips to Costco for me, and waited in that RIDICULOUS line that I COULD NEVER. I haven’t been to Costco since January, and this woman has single-handedly kept me stocked on coffee, dog treats, tuna fish and a variety of adult beverages. LOLZ

She has been working less, because, you know, the world right now, and called and texted me multiple times just to say that she is available to help me with anything I need because I’m pretty busy with 2 jobs right now. I mean, what a SAINT. I don’t deserve her.

Since I started my blog, she was my first subscriber, and texts me every time she reads it, telling me how much she loved it. Which means a lot, because I really love to create content (for my 12 readers LOLZ). Even if she’s the only one who read my blog, that would be enough, because her support means everything.

She has the craziest sense of humor. She loves making fun of us, and the more uncomfortable we are, the more she laughs. We don’t always get it, but her hysterical laughter is enough to break any tension and make us all laugh with her. On that note, she also LOVES candid photos. And not the cute ones. The ones where she’s sneaky and just starts taking photos without telling anyone and nobody is looking or smiling and we all look like trolls. Doesn’t matter. She loves it. And she will never stop taking those (somewhat unflattering) photos of us, no matter how many times we ask her to tell us when she’s taking photos. She’s a wild one, and can’t be tamed.

She is ready to drop everything anytime I call, whether its to have happy hour after a bad day, or just hop in the car with me to run some errands. I’m spoiled rotten by having a mom like that, I am so grateful for her.

She thinks of everyone else before herself, and is always thinking of little things shes can do to go the extra mile. Like picking me up some cute fuzzy socks she found, or remembering Elliot’s favorite snacks. She also still makes us an Easter basket with the good jelly beans and my favorite candy.

She is always down to dance. It could be Jesus Christ Superstar, Circle of Life, or Never Gonna Let You Go, which is a very diverse (but limited) list of Joyce Favorites, but she is always down for a dance party.

Speaking of music, even if she is the only person I know who doesn’t really like music in general, her support for my musical career has always been constant. She made every effort to make it to as many performances as she could, and would sit in the stands in torrential downpours, or freezing temperatures. Even if it wasn’t a great performance, she was always so proud of me and it made everything worth it. Even if “everything” was standing in a soaking wet uniform in 50 degree weather for 3 hours.

She taught me how to be strong and brave, to try new things, and to always give 100% at anything I do. She also taught me to always pack a lunch anywhere I go, even if I’m just running errands, because you never know what might happen and we get hungry a lot.

Thank you, Mom, for everything you do. I’m so blessed to be your daughter.

Love, Rebekah

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

Proverbs 31:25-31


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