Tricks & Treats: Tips for Getting (And Staying) In Tip Top Shape

Summer is coming to a bittersweet end, which means its the beginning of what I like to call “Fat & Happy Season”. JK I don’t really call it that, but we all have a tendency to be a little more relaxed about what we put into our bodies in the colder seasons because, well, sweaters. They are glorious, cozy masterpieces that hide EVERYTHING. Also, apple cider donuts are LIFE. After a season of shorts and swimsuits, it’s tempting to loosen the reins on diet and exercise, and maybe gain a few pounds of “insulation” for the chilly winter months.

The thing is, how much I weigh isn’t even that important. What is important is to take care of the body I have. We were given these incredible gifts: bodies that can not only run and jump, but also filter out toxins, fight off illnesses and even regrow parts that are removed or damaged. Our bodies are capable of so much, and we only get one.

I work in the NICU of a children’s hospital, so I meet a lot of babies. We have babies that are only weeks old, and have yet to see the sky, but we know that they may never walk on their own. When they beat the odds and come strolling in with their parents a year or two after discharge, it’s nothing short of a miracle. Many of them have disabilities that impair their movement, digestion or neurological systems. These children have to work so much harder than other kids just to play the same game.

Even before I worked at a children’s hospital, these kids and the adults they grow to be were always in the back of my mind. I am not a fast runner and I can’t jump more than 6 inches off the ground (true story), but I am so grateful for the ability to do those things. My body is strong enough to run a few miles and lift heavy(ish) weights and do anything that I train it to do.

When I am tired from a long day at work, or I just want to relax, I tell myself that it is a PRIVILEGE to be able to move my body. It is a blessing that I can CHOOSE whether I go for a run or not, because so many people will never have that option. Even if its just 20 minutes of stretching or yoga after a long shift. Any movement is better than no movement. Your body will thank you for it.

When people ask me where I get my motivation to work out and eat healthy, this is it. I was blessed with a healthy body that can move however I wish. I need to take care of it. I need to eat to fuel my body and mind, and not fill it up with junk. Am I perfect? Not by a long shot. I don’t always choose the healthiest option, but that’s life. I try to be better the next day.

Throughout my journey with health and nutrition, I’ve found that maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires more mental strength than physical strength. If you’re someone who lost weight on a certain nutrition program, and gained it back, I have too. We all have. Here are some tips I’ve found for better eating habits and maintaining the healthy body you’ve developed through hard work and dedication. These ideas are not rocket science, and they’re not new, but they work.

  1. Keep Moving. Just because you have lost the weight, doesn’t mean you can give up on overall health. Keep up the exercise, and move a little bit each day, even when you don’t want to. I have days where I am exhausted and have zero motivation to do anything but watch Netflix. On those days, I don’t stress myself out over doing a grueling, hour-long workout. I can find a relaxing 20 minute yoga video on YouTube and exercise that way.

  2. Prep Healthy Snacks. I love snacks. We all do! However, our choice of snacks is sometimes 75% responsible for weight gain. I always, always, always have baby carrots and individual hummus cups in my fridge. They’re a cheap, quick and easy snack.

  3. Find “Healthier” Substitutes. Okay, I LOVE cookies, there’s absolutely nothing that compares with my mom’s cookies, so I won’t even TRY to substitute those. However, I looked up “healthy” cookie recipes. There are so many healthier options that you can bake (or no bake options!) at home and are loaded with protein and nutrients and healthy carbs. Try a few different recipes and see what you like! Here’s one of my faves.

  4. Meal Prep (Kind of). Look, the idea of spending my entire Sunday afternoon in the kitchen, cooking food for the entire week and packaging it all up like adult Lunchables kind of gives me an instant migraine. I don’t love to cook and I love my weekends to get things done around my house and spend quality time with my family and friends. However, I do have a tip. When you make your healthy dinner with lean meats and vegetables….MAKE EXTRA. Like enough for two or three days. And then pack up your leftovers in little meal containers (like a Lunchable) and voila! You have successfully meal prepped the next two days of meals, they’re healthy, and most importantly, they’re ready to go! Added bonus: you don’t get bored of eating the same thing all week long AND you still have your Sunday’s for football.

  5. Shop Smarter. This is kind of a no-brainer, but here we are. Have a running grocery list going all week so you can write it down right away when you run out of something. We have one of those cute magnetic notepads so our list sticks right to the fridge. Make a list of what you NEED, not what you WANT. You NEED vegetables, fruits and protein. You WANT Double Stuf Oreos and Doritos. If you’re a salty snack fiend, go ahead and get a bag of tortilla chips or whole wheat crackers. You can still satisfy your salty craving, but its not a potato chip. You can also grab some salsa or hummus with those options! Don’t shop hungry (obviously) and don’t even go down aisles where you might be tempted to pick up something that isn’t on your list.

  6. Eat. Your. Vegetables. This is nothing new, but if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, this is a must. You should be eating at least 4-5 servings of vegetables a day, every day. Every morning, I have eggs for breakfast ( I LOVE eggs), and I throw a handful of spinach in the pan to wilt a little before I toss in my eggs. This way, I can have my favorite breakfast food PLUS a healthy serving of veggies before I leave for work in the morning. I feel so much better and have more energy when I start my day with vegetables, and I think you will too.

  7. Drink LOTS of Water. Honestly, guys, this is so important. Your body craves water. My dad taught me the best analogy for hydration and it goes like this. A car needs gas to run. If you run out of gas, your car is of no use to you. It doesn’t go anywhere, and you’re stuck. If you want the car to run, you gotta fill the tank. In the same way, your body runs on water. It doesn’t run on coffee, tea or soda. You need to fill the tank. Grab a cute new cup you can refill a few times a day to keep track of how much water you’re drinking. I’m personally a huge fan of the Starbucks venti cups, because they hold 24 oz. of water and having a straw helps me drink more. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day, and see how you feel.

I hope these tips can help you be the best, healthiest version of yourself this winter! Take care of your body; its the only one you get.

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Everyday Cinderella


The Seasonal Shake-Up: Hocus Pocus & Hot Apple Cider