February Highlights


It’s finally the end of February.

Well, since this post is a week late, I guess it’s finally March.

I gotta tell you, February was a whirlwind. I’m just now catching my breath and I can barely tell you where the month went. But I’m going to try.

women’s retreat.

Our church had it’s annual women’s retreat at the beginning of the month and I really enjoyed it. It was a short one, so I was able to be home for Sunday, and it was a lovely little break to spend time with God and other women in my church. As we’re still kind of new to our church, it was nice to meet some other women that I wouldn’t usually run into.


I’m sure it’s been said by everyone and their mother, but I was SO HAPPY that the Eagles won the SuperBowl this year. It was a very late night and I may have snoozed a bit through the end but what. a. win.

potty training milestone.

Will is doing really well with potty training and I am so happy we have made the progress we have. This has been a new level of parenting and the absolute worst ever, but we’re over the hump, and I took my guy to pick out his underwear this month. He’s getting so big.

class. is. done.

I took one of the hardest classes of my life for the last 7 weeks and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to report that it is officially over. I haven’t taken a math class since my freshman year of college and this was so hard for me. I have spent nearly every evening for the last two months working on homework from the end of dinner until I get to bed an hour later than I’d like. Now I get to spend time with my family, relax a bit, get ready for the baby to arrive and go to bed on time and I can’t wait.

warmer weather.

I know we had a fool’s spring last week, but I have hope that real spring is right around the corner. It has been such a cold winter and I can’t wait to spend a bit more time outside and enjoy some warmer weather.


"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him" Psalm 62:1


Spring 2025 Bucket List


My Favorite Love Songs