May Highlights


May is always one of my favorites.

This one has been exceptionally fun. When I sit down to write my monthly highlights posts, I like to scroll through my camera roll first to see what memories I have captured there. After that, I look through my planner at any events or fun things that have occurred over the last month.

For this month, my camera roll was surprisingly light, but my calendar was packed. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with this. I wish I took more photos of things or people when I’m out, but I also love that I’m very present for these things, and not worried about snapping a photo. There’s probably an in-between I could work on.

Anyway, here are the highlights!

GAB show.

For those of you who don’t know, Elliot and I play with The Great Awakening Band a couple times a year. We played a show in early May and it was just so much fun. We had a couple new songs, and hadn’t played a show in quite a while.

I’m told regularly that I should write about music more on the blog, so this one’s for you, Johnny B.

garden update.

I can’t remember how many times I’ve mentioned it, but I know I’ve been talking about my dang garden for a while now. Long story short, it needed a complete overhaul and I do not enjoy gardening. I am THRILLED to share that our front garden is DONE. I mean, there are still weeds and small gardens elsewhere, but the heavy lift is over and I’m very happy.

nyt games.

I just hopped on the Wordle wagon, friends. And yes, I play every day. I even got Elliot playing. I don’t know why it took me so long, but here I am, nerding out every day on crossword games.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, download the NYT Games app now and check it out.

worship team.

Johnny B’s gonna love this post.

Fun fact: I’ve been leading worship in some capacity since I was 14 years old. I regularly led worship at our last church, and switching to this new one was bittersweet in that it was nice to have a break, but I also really missed playing. The break was much-needed, but did not last long. This past Sunday, I made my debut at our new church and I loved every minute of it. This is easily my favorite way to use the gifts God has blessed me with and it really does fill me with joy.

5th anniversary.

Elliot and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this month. You can read a bit more in last week’s post, Five Years Down: Forever to Go. We went on a dinner date to one of the first places he took me when we were dating, and the next day, we celebrated the wedding of our friends! We had a lot of fun and it was nice to just be a couple for a bit and celebrate us.

Yay May!


Summer 2024 Bucket List


Five Years Down: Forever To Go