5 Things That Made Me Happy Lately


Now that pretty much every child I’ve ever met has started back to school, I think it’s safe to say this is one of the busiest times of year.

Personally, I love it. It’s a busy time, but it’s also a time of picking back up and starting a new season.

Usually, spring is the time that everyone feels all things are new, and that’s true, but I’ve always felt a sense of excitement and possibility when September rolls around.

I mean, I’m also completely obsessed with fall, but still. It’s a good time.

That being said, it is also a very busy time of year. Getting back into routines and schedules filling up with all kinds of events and activities can get a little overwhelming. Especially for someone like me, who just happens to be growing a whole human in addition to their regularly scheduled programming and is a little bit short on energy these days.

Being busy and overwhelmed can also make me feel cranky, and with these hormones, I’m a very irritable lady sometimes. Pray for Elliot - the man is a saint.

Whichever side of the spectrum you’re on - full of hope and excitement for a new school year/season, or overwhelmed and cranky from the sudden increase in activity - I feel you. I really do.

This week, I’ve attempted to slow down a little bit and try something new. Today’s post is simply a short list of a few things that have made me happy and appreciate the moment I’m in. Whether that moment lasts for an hour or so, or only a few minutes, it’s so important to just soak in the little things that bring joy and peace.

pumpkin coffee.

I mean, obviously, but here’s how I make it even better. I’m not big on overly flavored or sweet coffee. I’ve been drinking my coffee black for several years now. Anything more than a subtle hint of sweetness or flavor is too much and I have a hard time finishing the drink. This weekend, Elliot and I stopped by Marshall’s and picked out some bags of the best smelling flavored coffee grounds. We came home with a bag of pumpkin and a maple bourbon coffee that just smells heavenly. I mix about 1/3 of the flavored coffee grounds with my regular coffee grounds and it is the perfect ratio for a fall coffee that isn’t overwhelming - right at home. The best part? When I come downstairs in the morning and my coffee is freshly brewed, I can smell hints of pumpkin spice all the way up the stairs. It’s the best way to start the day.

new clothes.

I haven’t really needed to delve entirely into maternity clothes until recently, which is great, because I can’t bring myself to buy summer clothes at the end of summer. In the last few weeks, I’ve mostly been wearing maternity biker shorts and other workout clothes. I wanted to get a few pieces that I picked out myself that made me feel cute and like myself. It’s weird wanting to go to dinner but not totally sure if you have anything that fits your body today that feels good. I found a dress, a few tops and a pair of crop jeans that I really like and are perfect transitional/fall pieces. I’m so happy I have some new clothes to wear, because let’s be honest, new clothes just make you feel like a million bucks sometimes.

cute movies.

In the last few weeks, I’ve watched a couple newer movies on streaming platforms that I really enjoyed. For some reason, I’ve felt the quality of streaming movies has decreased significantly lately, but there are two that I’ve been impressed with. I think both are on Amazon Prime Video - Marry Me and The Lost City. Marry Me is a super-cute rom-com with Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. It’s sweet from beginning to end, and the soundtrack is killer. Have I listened to it on repeat and sang it very loud in the shower? Absolutely. The Lost City is a silly comedy with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. I was in the mood for something light and funny and this was perfect. It was goofy, with lots of adventure and a sweet ending. Would definitely watch again.

cooler, rainy weather.

On Sunday, I thought to myself, “Man, I would really love some rain.” Having the last few days of overcast, rainy weather in the low 70s has been so good for my soul (and my lawn). It’s like a little taste of fall weather. I came home from work the other day and went for a long walk with my husband and dogs and even though it was definitely on the humid side, being outside with a cool breeze and lower temps just made me feel so refreshed and alive again.

woodwick candles.

I don’t typically buy wood wick candles, but I found one in my candle drawer (yes I have a drawer of candles, do you know who I am?) the other day and I am just loving the gentle crackle it makes on a quiet evening like tonight. It’s such a small thing, but so soothing and perfect for a cozy night of reading on the couch.

What’s something small that has made you happy lately?


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11


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