Always, Bekah

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5 Summer Mocktails I’m Loving Right Now

It’s hot out there friends.

I’m not even kidding; I went for a run yesterday morning and I thought I was going to die right there on the sidewalk. I had that SOS button on my Apple watch ready and I was about to just lay down somewhere on the grass and have someone come get me.

Speaking of which, maybe I should train Mollie to “Run Home and Get Help”. That would be smart.

Anyway, now that we’re officially in the middle of “enjoying” the most miserable and atrocious season the Mid-Atlantic has to offer, it’s important to cool off and hydrate. Y’all know I preach “Hydrate or Die-drate”, so not only am I drinking almost a gallon of water a day, but ya girl also loves a fun little summer drink every now and then.

However, this summer looks a little different. As it’s generally frowned upon to indulge in a margarita whilst growing a human child inside one’s body, I’ve had to make some adjustments. I’ve tried a few “virgin” options at restaurants and let’s just say, they did not impress.

In today’s post, I’m sharing with you all some of my favorite, non-alcoholic, summer drinks. Not all of them are “mocktails” per se, but it’s nice to have a variety. Most of them can be altered with a shot of whatever you like, so don’t write these off just because you’re not riding the sober train with me this summer.

Iced Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso

Look, I told you these weren’t all mocktails. When Starbucks came out with their shaken espresso drinks, I hopped right on that train. Not only were they delicious, but they weren’t too sweet (a problem I often struggle with as a black coffee drinker) and they were surprisingly low in calories (BONUS). I’ve been skipping coffee for the last few months for two reasons: 1. I’m also not supposed to have too much caffeine (another baby-growing struggle) and 2. the reflux is REAL. This lack of coffee led to a craving for a really good, fancy Starbucks every once in a while. And yes, every once in a while, I indulge. When I saw that Half Baked Harvest had a home recipe for this delightful iced beverage, AND that it was super easy and took little to no time at all, I was hooked. I whipped up the brown sugar syrup in less than 10 minutes, and voila! Delightful iced lattes whenever I want. These days, my lattes are super tiny, but hey, it’s worth every sip.

Strawberry Lemonade

This seems like the dumbest realization I’ve ever had, but lemonade is DELICIOUS. It’s the perfect summer drink - not too sweet, not too tart, but perfectly refreshing. When out with friends or family, I don’t like to be left out completely, so I’ve started ordering a fun twist on this classic drink - and it is SO GOOD. A lot of places have different flavors, like peach, mango or raspberry, but my go-to is strawberry lemonade.

Cranberry Seltzer.

I have to level with you here - this one is my all-time favorite mocktail. It’s what I make for myself at home on any given day. It’s easy and delicious and that’s what I like. At the end of the day, I’m not a fancy shmance who makes drinks with multiple steps and ingredients. I pour a seltzer and splash in some cranberry juice until the color is a lovely blush. If you’re feeling extra jazzy, throw in a splash of orange juice and it’s almost a tequila sunrise.

Frozen Fruit Seltzer.

For an even lower-effort drink (if that’s even possible) I sometimes like to have a flavored seltzer and instead of ice, I toss in some chunks of frozen fruit. I like to keep a few bags of different frozen fruits for smoothies and such, and they make really good ice cubes. As they melt, the drink sweetens and then when you’re done, you have some chunks of fruit to munch on. WIN-WIN.

*I get that not everyone likes seltzer water, and that’s cool. I like it because it’s zero calories, no sugar, and it’s water, so you are hydrating, to an extent, plus there’s bubbles for a change of pace. I just don’t drink soda - again, too sweet. If Sprite is your jam, use that.

Rosemary Blueberry Smash

Here’s an option that isn’t less than 2 steps for those of you who like a slightly elevated drink. I was browsing for some ideas and I came across this one and I had all the ingredients, so I made it. I did just use regular honey, but it turned out really refreshing and both Elliot and I loved it. It’s blueberries, rosemary, lemon juice, honey and sparkling water. I added a shot of vodka to Elliot’s and he gave it a thumbs up. It’s easy enough and a fun change of pace for a nice happy hour on the patio.

Disclaimer: Yes, I know that I can have a little bit of alcohol every so often. I’ve had a taste of Elliot’s beer a few times (there’s nothing like a cold beer in the summer) and a small drink on special occasions. But in general, I’m taking a break, and these are my favorite options so far.

Drop your favorite drinks in the comments below!

“From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Lord’s name is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27