August Highlights

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!


I don't know who I'm offending right now, but, I do not like August.

Like February, it's just not my jam.

August has been a month of me trying (and failing) to not rush into fall.

But, I am who I am, and I can't help it. I definitely bought some pumpkin decor last weekend and it was bliss. I love my new pumpkins so much.

Anyway, it's still August, and as much as I am not a fan of August, it wasn't too bad.

I mean, I launched the rebrand....and that was kind of a big deal.

Here are the rest of the highlights!

Always, Bekah.

I rebranded my blog this month, and I'm really happy with it. I feel like I can grow with this new name, and if you'd like the full story, you can read it here.

Morning Routine.

When I started my new job, one of my goals was to establish a morning routine. I'm not 100% consistent, but I feel my best when I get up at 5:15, so I can feed the girls, grab some water and do my devotions before I work out. After my workout, I make a protein shake, hop in the shower, get ready and head out the door. The biggest challenge I've found is getting to bed on time, but this month I've really made it a priority to get in bed early and it's just the best. Am I an old lady getting in bed by 9 so I can read and get up early? Yes, yes I am. Ya girl is living her best old lady life.


With these early morning workouts, I've realized how valuable a good mobility workout truly is. Once a week, my workout is comprised of yoga, stretching, balance, and a little core. This type of movement is so good for your body. I feel so much better when my body is flexible and loose, and it helps me to continue working out regularly instead of feeling stiff and sore.


This month, we tried out our first Datebox from The Happily Co, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out. I think I might do a whole post on our "Datebox Date Night" so stay tuned, but if you'd like to try it out, here's a $10 off coupon!

Eye Of The World

I honestly don’t know if I’m going to call this a “highlight”, but here we are. Elliot has been asking me to read this book for who-know-how-long, and I finally started it on vacation last month. I'm currently over halfway through. It's good, don't get me wrong, but here's my struggle. It's very Lord of the Rings-y, and I couldn't get through the first few chapters of The Hobbit. There's a lot of detail, (which I definitely have skipped through once or twice), but if you're into a good, deep, fantasy-type series, pick it up. I'm finally enjoying it, but I wasn't exactly in the mood for an adventure like this, so it took a while to get into. Hopefully I finish it before September rolls around LOLZ. Will return for the full review.

In conclusion, today I paired a rust colored sweater (that I picked up at Costco and am obsessed with, no shame) with my leopard flats, so if you see fall, tell it to hurry the heck up. I’m ready.

Stay safe and healthy!

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2


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