Always, Bekah

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Finding The True Spirit Of Christmas

This is my favorite time of year. I love Christmas, and I love getting in the Christmas spirit, but honestly, I've been struggling to find the time to actually enjoy the season I'm in right now. It's a busy season, and it's been tough to find the joy.

Don't get me wrong, I get all the warm and fuzzies listening to Christmas music or looking at pretty lights. But, it's not the true Christmas spirit.

Because Christmas isn't about presents or cookies or sweet movies. Christmas is the time we celebrate the greatest gift we have ever been given: the gift of Jesus Christ. Because we have already been given so much, we celebrate by giving gifts to loved ones. We give, without expecting anything in return. Giving is a purely selfless act, there's absolutely nothing in it for us, and yet, that feeling we get when we freely give is just incomparable. Those are the real warm and fuzzies.

I think my problem is that I've focused too much on my world, and my to-do list. In my personal experience (ahem, what I’m learning right now), it's very difficult to look for opportunities to give, when you're only worried about yourself and your own little bubble.

This isn't my world. There are other people in it. (surprise!)

Sure, I'm busy, we all are. But I can't truly have the Christmas spirit if I'm too worried about my laundry list a mile long to see the person right in front of me who has a real need.

I have to tell you guys, the best part of this Christmas season for me happened this past Sunday. There's a gentleman at church named Charlie, and for the last six months that he's been joining us at our little church in Kenton, Delaware, he's shown up over an hour early to hang out with the praise team while we rehearse. I may not have known him for very long, but there are two things I know for sure about Charlie: 1. He loves Jesus, and 2. He loves music. Charlie has a few disabilities, but it doesn't stop him from greeting everyone as they walk in the door, or from requesting the worship team to play The Old Rugged Cross almost every single week. He doesn't have much, but he is one of the happiest people in our church.

About a month ago, Charlie asked Elliot about guitars. Apparently, his guitar had broken, and he got scammed with the repair, and was out several hundred dollars and still had a broken guitar. For several weeks, he kept asking questions about how to buy a new one. He was having a hard time finding one in his price range and didn't have much guidance or help at all, so two weeks ago, Elliot found an inexpensive beginner guitar for him and bought it. My dad provided new strings and a tuner and they presented it to him on Sunday. Charlie was stunned. This sweet man was so happy with his new guitar, he couldn't put it down. I'm pretty sure he was quietly strumming to himself for the entire service.

It was a real-life Hallmark moment.

The part that stands out to me the most, is that Elliot and my dad are two of the busiest people I know. Elliot just finished his Bachelor's degree last week (He is DONE - it's the best Christmas gift EVER), and he's been juggling a lot. And yet, he still cared enough about others to look beyond himself during this very busy season and find a way to make someone else's Christmas.

This little Christmas moment reminded me of a children's sermon that happened a few weeks ago. One of my favorite ladies, Ms. Lillian, gave the children's sermon, and she told us that the whole reason for the Christmas season was love. She's not wrong. The whole reason Jesus was born was because God loved the world so stinkin' much. (Let's just say I loosely paraphrased part of John 3:16...okay, very loosely)

Ms. Lillian then gave some small boxes to the kids to look inside. She told the kids to look inside the box to see what love looks like. The kids looked inside, then went around and showed several people in the congregation what love looked like.

Finally, it was my turn. Inside the box was a tiny mirror.

Love looks like me. Love looks like you. We are love.

Sometimes, I don't feel like love. Sometimes, I feel I am too impatient, critical, selfish or judgmental to be love. And yet, I've been called to love others, because Jesus first loved me. Jesus says I am the face of love to share with others.

As Christians, it's our job to be love for other people. It's the whole point of Christmas - to be so filled up with love for others that when they look at us, they see love. To be so full of love, that we give, without receiving anything in return. Most of all, to love others so much that we look beyond our own little world and see others, so that we can love and give and serve. So that we can be like Jesus.

If you're looking for some ways to show love and give selflessly, here are some ideas!

  1. Bake cookies for your neighbors or friends. Better yet, put on some Christmas music while you bake, for extra warm and fuzzies.

  2. Send some Christmas cards to someone who needs a pick-me-up.

  3. Sing Christmas carols around your neighborhood.

  4. Participate in an Angel Tree program to provide gifts for a family in need.

  5. Prepare a meal for a family in your neighborhood who is having a rough time.

  6. Have a Christmas movie night, complete with hot chocolate, and invite some new friends or neighbors who might need the company.

  7. Listen to others when they share hardships, and ask how you can show up for them in this season.

Bonus - Mollie being a Christmas present

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21