Always, Bekah

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How to Plan The Perfect Party in 4 Easy Steps

And Our Independence Day Bash

This page may contain affiliate links.  I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love.

Yoo Hoo! Big Summer Blowout! (hehe…get it?)

Hey, remember that time I had two weddings last year and vowed to never throw a party ever again?


On a completely unrelated note, my sister, our husbands and I hosted a super fun barbecue for the 4th of July this past weekend.

There was food coming out our ears, neighbors from the entire street, and a full fireworks show. It was a party to remember.

But, I mean, the best part was obviously our incredibly patriotic outfits. I mean, check OUT these bad boys.

If you love our look, I’ve linked everything at the end of the post!

I know I SAID I wasn’t going to do any celebrating and definitely no parties, but I clearly have a problem and I can’t help myself. I like planning, I’m good at it, and I’m a crazy person. Hence, why I find myself in this particular predicament. Oh well.

Unnecessary side note: Be safe about it. Have it outdoors or distance, at least until the craziness passes. Thank you, carry on.

For those of you who don’t throw parties too often, or maybe you’re new to it and don’t know where to begin, don’t freak out and don’t you dare start getting all stressy depressy on me.

I am your brand-new, party-planning fairy godmother and we are gonna get through this together. I promise.

Ready? Here are my 4 Steps for Planning the Perfect Party

Start early.

Prep what you can ahead of time. For my cakes, I almost always bake them a day or two in advance, wrap them in plastic wrap once they’re cool, and throw them in the fridge til I’m ready to decorate them. I don’t always have large blocks of time to get ready so I do what I can, with the time that I have. You can fill a cooler with ice and drinks the night before, and set up chairs and tables ahead of time as well. It’s easier to do a quick wipe down of everything an hour before people arrive, than it is to go crazy setting everything up in one day. Even cutting up vegetables and other things can be done the night before and wrapped up in the fridge, that way you can pull everything out ready to go. I typically do my best to get all my prepping done early, so that I have time to do a quick workout and unwind a little before the party begins.

Have options, but not too many.

Uncle Jimmy likes gin & tonic, your best friend loves craft beer, and your mom likes white wine. Guess what? It doesn’t matter! It is not your job to cater to every single guests’ preference. It is a party, not a bar, and you’re providing the drinks. Give them a few options to choose from, and let the chips fall where they may. You can offer two different kinds of beer (or White Claws or what-have-you), some sodas, and water. If you wanna get fancy, mix up some lemonade and call it a day. If you have more than 3 options, everyone will find something they like and they will be happy clams, I promise.

Accept help.

If you’re throwing a party for family and friends, odds are, they’re going to ask what they can bring. Let them! You do not need the stress of the main dish, the house, the yard, the dessert, the drinks AND all the side dishes. You will lose your ever-loving mind, friend. And you will realize that when you’re yelling at your husband for not greeting every guest and asking what they want to drink in the same breath. Slow down, and let others carry the load. My mom makes the BEST baked beans, my sister makes wonderful buffalo chicken dip, and my grandmother makes amazing potato salad. Why would I try to make those dishes myself, when they are more than happy to do so, and it takes some work off my plate? Go ahead and let the masters make what they make best, and serve the most delicious food at your party. Everyone wins.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Ok, I lied. No party is ever perfect. But even if it’s imperfect, it’s still a great party! Even if it takes a few extra minutes to grill everything, or if you run out of a certain soda, or if someone spills their drink all over the floor, its okay. You cannot prevent random accidents from happening, no matter how hard you try, and what I’ve learned is that most people don’t even notice the things that you’re worried about anyway. It’s really okay. As long as everyone got a chance to eat, drink and hang out with some friends or family, its a successful soiree in my book. Relax and give yourself a pat on the back. You earned it.

For those of you who want to dazzle in new ‘Merica attire, look no further!

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20

“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2