Always, Bekah

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June Highlights!

This page may contain affiliate links.  I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love.

June has been BUSY.


Summer has made quite the appearance so far, with high temperatures and late sunsets and I am so grateful to be able to actually enjoy the season we’re in.

I won’t lie, I’ve thought about fall a few times, but I’m happy to wait until I’ve enjoyed a few trips to the beach and a few more sunburns.

I’m just gonna jump right in to my June Highlights, because I’ve got quite a few!

Girls Birthday Party.

I know, I’m a crazy dog mom, but they are the lights of my life and you bet I’m going to throw a party when my girls’ birthdays are a week apart! Ellie turn 5 and Mollie turned 1 at the beginning of June, and we had a little BBQ at our home to celebrate. We had our close family and some friends come over and it was a perfect, not-humid day, a cool night, and best of all, NO bugs! It was a miracle, I tell you! I made a lemon cake with a lemon Swiss meringue buttercream frosting, and I may have outdone myself. It was SO GOOD. Here’s the recipe! And of course I had to make a puppy birthday cake for my girls, which was super easy and quick and turned out really cute as well. You can find some photos here.

New Sunnies.

It is SO hard for me to find sunglasses that look cute on me, so when my sister got these adorable sunglasses, I instantly tried them on and ordered a pair for myself. They’re lightweight, SUPER cute, and less than $15 on Amazon. They’re my new faves and I never go anywhere without them.

Hart of Dixie.

Confession: I love a cute, romantic, light-hearted TV series. Not that most of you aren’t already aware of that, but here we are.

I got the recommendation from my neighbor to check out Hart of Dixie on Netflix, and I was hooked after the first episode. As it turns out, Elliot is also hooked. He is all in on the drama and romance and cheesiness of it all, and I’m not allowed to watch an episode without him. For those of you who have seen it, Elliot is 110% Team Wade, and I’m still undecided. It was exactly the kind of relaxing show that I needed to unwind and enjoy something sweet and funny in the evenings.

Side Note: We also just watched Knives Out, and we LOVED it. It’s a really good murder mystery, and its a 5 star rating from the Salinas fam. Just sayin.

Skin Care.

I work in a hospital. Which means I wear a mask for 12 straight hours, 3 days a week. For someone who has always had oily, acne-prone skin, it’s kind of like taking 16 steps backward. This month, I started doing “me-time” once or twice a week, which basically means I shower early, do a face mask, maybe paint my toes, and read in bed. It’s absolutely delightful. If you don’t do this, you should. Like today. Anyway, I tried this new face mask, and it’s my new fave. Its light and creamy, super moisturizing and smells super pretty. And cruelty-free! All good things. Since I started taking a little bit better care of my skin, it is almost completely back to normal, and only breaks out a little bit after extended masking.


As you may have noticed, I have been working on rebranding the blog, and by that, I mean ACTUALLY branding it in the first place. I’ve taken a few online courses on branding and marketing and I’m very excited by what I’ve learned and I’m looking forward to implementing it here on Hope for the Hot Mess! I’ve also created a free resource for anyone planning their wedding in the near future, so check it out on the home page if you or someone you know is looking for some help in the wedding planning department.

I’m so close to having this blog for a full year, and I’m so excited for everything I can learn in year 2!

Have a wonderful Independence Day Weekend, whatever you have planned, and take the chance to celebrate! We’re having a barbecue, (because apparently that’s all I do during the summer) and I can’t wait to share about it next week!

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” Psalm 33:12