July Highlights

This page may contain affiliate links.  I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love.


Have you ever read the story The Monster At The End Of This Book?

Okay, well, you should.

It was one of our favorite stories growing up, and I remember my mom reading it to us all. the. time.

It’s about Grover (from Sesame Street, obviously, how many Grovers do you know?) and he “hears” you read the title, and gets very scared of the monster at the end of the book. He is SO afraid of monsters that he gets very upset every time you turn the page, and tries to stop you from getting to the end.

It’s a very sweet, and very funny story, so you should probably grab a copy.

Anyway, that whole tangent was just to say that I don’t know how we’re almost to the end of summer.

I know, I truly have a way with words. Such logic. Wow.

ANYWAY. August is happening in like, TWO DAYS.


I’m only a little bit excited.

But, we have to be grateful and present in the present, (like what I did there??) which is now, the end of July, and here are some of my favorite things that happened this month!

July 4th Party.

If you haven’t seen or heard about our 4th of July bash, then click here and check it out. Our outfits were on point, if I may say so myself, and we had a blast seeing friends and family that we hadn’t seen for a while, and doing our own fireworks for the first time ever.

OC Beach Trip.

Every year, my family makes a trip to Ocean City, MD to spend some time at the beach. It is probably one of the most relaxing times of the year, and we love it. This year, I dragged Elliot out of bed at 5 AM to watch the sunrise, and even though it was a little cloudy, it was probably my favorite part of the trip.

Here are some photos of the sunrise (no filter) and us after the sunrise (definitely edited because, um, hello? 6 AM and not enough coffee to make us look alive)

10 Rounds.

I started a new workout program and it is a BLAST. It’s a boxing-type workout and I’m really loving all the moves and it goes by super quick. Plus, I feel like I’m getting a really effective workout every time. Win-Win.

Buy Nothing.

If you’ve never heard of Buy Nothing, buckle up. Most communities have these Facebook groups where people post stuff they want to get rid of, and then their neighbors who want those items come and pick them up. Genius, right? This month, I started really cleaning out old clothes and accessories I know I won’t use or wear again, and they were picked up from my doorstep within a day. It’s so much better than packing everything up and making the trip to the local Salvation Army or Goodwill, and I’m giving it to a neighbor who needs/wants it! Love that.

I got a kitchen table and chairs this month. For free. From a lady in the neighborhood right next to mine. Isn’t that crazy?

If this sounds like your jam, search Facebook for your local group and see what kind of gifts people around you are giving away!

New Vacuum.

Okay, this is boring but I’m an old lady and I’m obsessed with my new vacuum. Ours broke at the beginning of the month, and for someone who has two very sheddy Aussie pups, it’s unacceptable to be without one. I read tons of reviews and got this one for $100. I am not kidding. AND…..it picks up all the dog hair. Mind. Blown.

Are you sad to see summer come to an end? Or are you waiting for some leaves to start falling so you can break out your sweaters and pumpkin spice everything??

Because although I CANNOT WAIT for my favorite season ever to arrive, I could definitely do another beach day or two, and enjoy the pool a little longer!

Happy August!

“He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11

 “Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea—the Lord on high is mighty.” Psalm 93:4


Not In A Hurry


4 Summer Must-Haves