Still A Good Day

Remember that time (last week) that I was talking about how I was trying to be a healthier version of me this year?


I’m so glad I did that.

On a completely unrelated note, I went for a run this past week. Which is a big deal, because last year, I managed to jack up my knee at my very own 5K (Who does that? ME. LOLZ). Anyway, I’ve got this fun clicking sound going on and some occasional pain when I run so all in all, I’m not dying, but also can’t run as often as I would like. I started running when I was 12, and I’ve grown to love it (It’s definitely an “acquired” taste, if you will), so anytime my knee is feeling good and the weather is nice, I’m all about getting a few miles in with the pup.

On this particular day, the weather was PERFECT, I tell you. It was beyond gorgeous, especially for January. Ellie has always been my running buddy, but now that Mollie is finally old enough to go, I took both of them on my run. Heck, it was almost 70 degrees out and sunny, I couldn’t leave either one behind. I didn’t have any major goals for this run, really it was just; Run at least 2 miles, and work on training Mollie to run at a pace with me. No big deal.

Anyway, I ended up tying Ellie’s leash to Mollie’s, so I only had to hold one handle, and we were doing GREAT. The sun was out, it wasn’t too windy, Mollie was being an ANGEL, and I was feeling GREAT. Life was good.

We were about halfway through our run, and all of a sudden, with zero contributing factors, I managed to…




All at the same time. I am truly gifted.

So, in a quick mental recap of WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED, I remembered almost falling ON Mollie, and naturally, screaming her name. Which explained why BOTH my dogs, now free, were bolting down the street at record speed.


I hopped up, and did the only sensible thing left to do. I took off after them, screaming both of their names. I hope your mental picture of this is as accurate as real life.

I sprinted to the end of the street, and found both pups tethered together with their bright pink leash, trotting happily back to me. Ugh, SUCH good girls. I love them so much. I also love that they were tied together because hunting down two pups vs. one would have been traumatizing for all parties involved. Mostly me. Okay, FINE, they would have had a blast. I would be traumatized.

A kind neighbor pulled up and asked me three times if I was okay, which was super nice, and restored my hope in humanity. Also, I have no idea how much of this little adventure she witnessed but I’m really trying not to think about it.

Only after all that, did I have time to assess my injuries. I suffered two skinned palms, a bruised elbow and a sore hip. It could have been worse, that’s for sure, but I’ve found that palms are actually super useful. Who knew, right??

Thank goodness that the mile and a half back to the house were uneventful, minus the bleeding hands. The sun was still shining, the weather was still perfect, the girls were still happy, and it was still a great run. So really, I can’t complain.

There you have it, folks. My ridiculous story for the week. Usually I try to pull some deeper meaning out of regular life stuff, because I LOVE symbolism. But honestly, this week is just gonna be a silly story about me making a complete fool of myself. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that.

But, if one of you desperately needs that kind of jazz in your life, here’s a nugget of wisdom that’s literally just for you.

If you’re trying to make healthy changes to better yourself, and you fall on your face, it’s still a good day.

If you’re having a wonderful day, and you hit the ground out of nowhere, it’s still a good day.

If you’re doing your best, and somehow, life doesn’t go exactly the way you want, it’s still a good day.

There’s a line from a song that sums it up perfectly.

Say hey, it’s a good day. Even if things aren’t going my way. Jesus is Lord, and I am saved, so, say hey, it’s a good day.”

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24


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