25 Ways To Spark Christmas Spirit

“A simple act of kindness always sparks another”

I’ll be the first one to admit it, I love the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. I love the predictable plot, I love the Christmas cheer, I love the romance of the holiday season, I love it all. Most of all, I love the acts of kindness throughout the story. People are genuinely kind to each other and it’s just so refreshing. I recently watched a new Netflix Christmas movie, Klaus, which is technically a kids’ movie, not a Hallmark-ey one, and it was SO GOOD. Like, the fills-you-all-the-way-to-your-toes with joy and Christmas spirit. The recurring quote of the movie was “A simple act of kindness always sparks another” and I think that is just so pure and perfect for the season we’re in.

This week, I was talking to a coworker about Christmas and what’s special to us. For me, it was having Christmas-flavored coffee, which we have now coined as “comfort and joy”, so now we go around and order our coffee “with comfort and joy, please”. Hehe we are very funny. Anyway, her favorite way of feeling Christmas spirit is reading the stories of people being kind to one another and giving generously; stories that bring hope to humanity. She’s clearly on a much deeper level than I am. But it got me thinking about incorporating the heartwarming stories of random acts of kindness into my next post.

And then I thought to myself, “Self, wouldn’t it be great if we could create our own stories of kindness by doing acts of kindness ourselves?” I mean, it would be AMAZING if we could go out into the world and experience our own acts of kindness, instead of enjoying fake ones on Christmas movies. And I thought that was a downright jolly idea, so I came up with a list of 25 ideas (because Christmas is the 25th, obviously) for random acts of kindness this Christmas. It always feels good to be a blessing for someone else, and some of these are also some of my favorite ways to celebrate this amazing season.

  1. Donate gifts for an Angel Tree family at a local church.

  2. Donate warm clothing to a clothes closet for those in need.

  3. Volunteer at a shelter serving dinner.

  4. Volunteer at a local food pantry.

  5. Pay for someone else’s order at the drive-thru.

  6. Send Christmas cards to your loved ones to spread some cheer.

  7. Donate books you no longer need to a local school.

  8. Go and sing Christmas carols at a local nursing home.

  9. Pay for someone’s groceries.

  10. Help someone carry their groceries.

  11. Leave a generous tip after a meal.

  12. Give up your spot in line.

  13. Take cookies to a police or fire department.

  14. Buy dessert for the elderly person or couple at a restaurant.

  15. Leave a note for someone telling them how much you appreciate them.

  16. Bake cookies and give them to friends and neighbors.

  17. Help someone with a task or chore.

  18. Invite someone who may be spending the holiday alone to spend it with you and your family.

  19. Take your kids to buy toys for children in the hospital and deliver them (My friend just did this and she is amazing!!)

  20. Help a neighbor by bringing their trash can up, or shoveling for them when it snows.

  21. Purchase a useful gift for a colleague who would benefit from it.

  22. Treat a coworker to a cup of coffee.

  23. Pay someone a meaningful compliment.

  24. Give someone a ride home who needs it (assuming it’s safe and you are able, of course).

  25. Leave sticky notes with encouraging messages in public places.

Now get out there and spark some kindness this Christmas! No matter how small, your simple act of kindness will impact far more than you will ever realize. If you have any additional suggestions, please comment below so that we can all try them!

Also, I did a little Christmas photo shoot of my pups looking festive as all get out, and since they are the little apples of my eye, I added their photos below!! You’re welcome.

Merry Christmas!!

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossions 3:12

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14


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The Seasonal Shake-Up: Joy, Hope & Light