Always, Bekah

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The Liminal Space

On Easter Sunday, I woke up early for no reason other than I just wasn’t feeling right. I felt heavy. Probably similar to the way the disciples physically felt that weekend. Very out of sorts, not sure which way was up, and maybe a little sick thinking of how life would go on after this.

In my small group this week, we discussed the “liminal space” between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. None of us knew what “liminal” meant, but it just means “the in-between space”.

I have always kept the Saturday in between in a sacred space. Kind of like a special time to stay quiet and reflect. Two thousand years ago, it was the Sabbath, a day of rest.

I can’t imagine trying to rest after the pain and bloodshed of Friday. It must have been agony to sit in that sadness. To rest in it. I would much rather keep myself busy, distract myself, or do anything BUT feel all the things. It must have felt like the day that would never end. So much fear, confusion and pain. We tend to breeze right past this day, but this is the day that we can all relate with in one way or another. It was surely one of the most hopeless days the women and disciples had experienced, maybe ever. While we didn’t live their lives back then, we can identify with their pain.

Throughout Saturday, they waited, they felt, they suffered, and when the sun was just coming up on Sunday morning, they were no longer stuck in the liminal space. The tomb was empty, the stone rolled away. Jesus Christ had risen from the grave and defeated sin and death forever!

They made it to the other side. We can, too. I encourage you to sit in whatever liminal space you’re in right now. Give yourself space to be human. Feel all the emotions - the confusion, the anger, the heartache, the fear. They are valid. It’s good to sit in that space. To feel it and let the Spirit work in you during this time.

Because one day, it will end.


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