Always, Bekah

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The Call To Fatherhood

Shortly after writing my Mother’s Day post (check it out here if you missed it!), I started thinking about my Father’s Day post, and it occurred to me that since I have never been a dad, I am completely ill-equipped to write a post about fatherhood. So I asked my husband, who is a dad and a pretty darn good one, if he would be interested in writing today’s post. He agreed, and I am absolutely THRILLED to share his guest post with you today. He is everything I could have hoped for in a partner and father to my child, and I am so proud of him. Go Elliot!

Being a dad is a wild ride. At times it’s incredibly rewarding with the sounds of your child bursting into laughter and shouting with joy. There are times when you get see your child figure out how things work with an insatiable curiosity. I love watching my son, Will, explore the world bit by bit and learn how to do new things, like go up and down the stairs or try to master crawling up a slide. Other times, it’s maddening as he screams and cries because he isn’t allowed to open the door to the basement and fall down the stairs. Then there are what I consider the hardest of times, which come when your kiddo is outright miserable. Nothing in the world seems to make anything better for them. It’s these times that have somehow become some of the most rewarding for me.

You see, Will is a momma’s boy most of the time. And yes, I am happy with that because his mom is awesome and I like her a lot, too. He will usually pick her over me. However, there are some days where he is just not having a great time. He could be starting to get sick, cutting teeth or is just overtired. It’s these times, when the world totally sucks, that’s when Dad comes in. Sometimes it’s silly dances around his room or playing games with him that gets his minds off of whatever is bothering him. Other times its singing Sunshine On My Shoulder repeatedly, patting his back while I rock him.

These moments are the most rewarding for me because it’s just one of the few times that he just wants me to be there. It may only take a few minutes or it may take an hour for him to settle down, but those times are when I feel like I am answering the call to fatherhood. It’s those moments - no matter how long or short they are - that I love so much. It’s the times when I get to be a source of comfort and peace, that I feel like I am fulfilling a sacred duty as a father.

As a father, I think we are called to be the best we can be. To love our children and spouse well. To lead with our spouse and provide a sense of stability for our kids in this chaotic world. To be able to build safe boundaries for our kids so they can explore the world and grow to be strong and loving individuals. As a father, I am privileged to model what it means to be strong and loving. I have the responsibility of guiding and teaching Will how to exist in this world. How to walk faithfully with Christ and serve others. It’s also my job to make sure he knows that I will always love him and that I will always be there when he needs me. One day, I hope to see him flourish as he becomes his own person. I have so much faith that he will become an incredible man.

So, to all the Dad’s out there, take the day to enjoy being on this incredible journey with your children. Hold them a little tighter, and tell them that hilarious dad joke, the one that makes everyone’s eyes roll out of their skulls. Most of all though, I hope you get the chance to tell your family just how much you love them and that they truly hear you.

Happy Father’s Day!

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him." Psalms 103:13

"I will guide you in the way of wisdom and I will lead you in upright paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, and when you run, you will not stumble." Proverbs 4:11-12

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." Psalm 32:77-8

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