Always, Bekah

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Winter Recipes I Can’t Wait To Try

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

Oof, this weather.

It has been horrendous.

I’m not hating on winter, I promise, but this weather has been yuck, and it’s not stopping for a few more days.

I don’t mind bad weather, because bad weather simply means I’m stocking up on the essentials, hunkering down for a few days and hoping the power stays on. I like all of those things, especially when I’m stuck with not much else to do than make cozy meals or some warm, fresh bread.

This is a quiet time of year. A time to rest, hunker down, recover from the craziness of the holidays and recharge. One of the things I like to do to recharge is bake. It’s a hands-on activity that takes most of my focus, and I don’t have a bunch of thoughts running through my brain. And then, there’s a fresh treat to enjoy!

This is the perfect time of year to bake and cook homemade meals. There isn’t as much going on, there’s more time and it feels so good to enjoy a homemade meal with loved ones.

Here are a few of the recipes I’m looking forward to making this season! Some are old favorites and some are brand-new! (Well, new to me 😊)

winter recipes I can’t wait to make

pizza dough. - I’ve never made my own dough from scratch and I think it’s high time I started.

chai tea mix. - I think I need this next to my hot cocoa mix.

italian vegetable sausage soup. - A new recipe we recently tried and it’s so good and super healthy.

tuscan skillet. - One of my all-time-favorite meals. You HAVE to try this.

IP stroganoff. - I make this at least once every winter. It is SO GOOD and so simple.

apple cinnamon rolls -These are the absolute best. I made them for Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings, and they were a hit!

swedish meatballs. - I’ve never made them and they scream hygge.

glogg/spiced mulled wine - this just sounds like it makes cold, yucky weather better. Also hygge

In 2019, my mom made me a special cookbook that included all of our favorite family recipes. It is my favorite source for recipes, and there are a handful of recipes in that book that I’m looking forward to trying:

shepherd’s pie

baked ziti

banana bread - and lots of it

See this gallery in the original post