Always, Bekah

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Thoughts on a New Year

It’s New Years Day.

Well, it is when I’m writing this.

It’s quiet and sunny. The baby is still fast asleep, worn out from the festivities (not that he stayed up - none of us did), and I have a moment to reflect on the New Year.

It feels like peace.

2023 was a complete and total roller coaster as I learned to be a mom and keep my child alive for the first year of his life. Every month brought new changes and I stretched and tested my skills as a mom and wife. I know it will continue to be a wild ride as he keeps growing and learning and trying to dive into things with his head, but right now, I feel like I completed a really hard chapter.

Like I’m over a hurdle.

I’ve learned how to create time and space when it feels like there isn’t any. I’ve grown more patience than I ever thought possible and have explored a new world as a mom.

I’ll be honest - while I’m completely exhausted, I feel like I can do anything.

But, while I feel like I CAN, I don’t think I want to.

2024 is feeling like prioritizing time. Setting more boundaries. Giving a few things my all, instead of spreading myself thin on many different things.

2023 was about Will and learning how to be a parent to a baby, but 2024 is about our family. Will no longer needs to be attached to my hip, and quite honestly, he prefers doing his own thing. I finished breastfeeding in November, and after a year, I can run errands or go to work without bringing a pump. I feel more free to pour into our marriage and give myself some time that I just didn’t have for most of the last year.

The fact is, Will is a little person now. He eats real food and plays with doors and cabinets. He crawls around at two speeds - normal and turbo - and likes to try to get into our laundry room when you’re not looking (for absolutely no reason, of course, other than it’s where the dogs eat). He’s not a baby who needs his mama every minute of every day.

2024 is going to look very different than 2023, and I’m grateful. I’m grateful for everything 2023 was and brought to me and my family. I’m grateful for this new year with a toddler and all that it will bring.

Here’s what I’m focusing on this year:

my home.

It’s new to us, and I’m working to curate our home with furniture that is ours. Things we love, that are functional and helpful for our everyday life, and of course, aesthetically pleasing. I’m excited to make this house ours.

throwing things away.

Yes, this is a regular occurrence, but I don’t think I’ll ever be done getting rid of things. I’m working to make this home a bit more child friendly, and some things have to go.


Obviously, I love to read. It’s a way for me to recharge a bit, disappear for a while, and enjoy something solely for me. I reached my reading goal last year and I’m looking forward to reaching it again this year.

cooking & baking.

We’ve always cooked regularly, but I’ve realized since having a kid, sometimes it just gets away from you and/or you just don’t have the energy. I want to make a point to get back on making healthy, simple, homemade meals, and so what if we have fresh bread with half of them? It’s made with love.

our marriage.

In full disclosure, my marriage with Elliot is one of the things I’m most proud of and treasure. We put a lot of work and effort into our marriage and we see the difference it makes. This year, I want to plan out our date nights in advance. We’ve fallen off the wagon with regular date nights and it’s time to be a priority again.

What are your goals for 2024?

Drop them in the comments below!

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