Always, Bekah

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June Highlights

Our days are officially long, hot and sunny - summer is here!

I have no idea how June is almost over already, but I do know that it’s been a busy (the good kind) and fun-filled month. Let’s get started on the highlights!


While Will is still small, he LOVES to be outside. It’s become apparent that Will can stay up way past his bedtime and still be pleasant, but only if the evening is spent outdoors. We’ve gotten Will’s swingset installed and now spend all our free time outside, learning to climb and swing and slide. He is having the best time, and it’s great that we can eat dinner on our back deck and wait for him to decided if he’s hungry enough to join us.

bathroom shelves.

Our main bathroom has been SUCH a plain bathroom. Ugh. It’s large for a main floor “powder room” (but it has a tub, too, so who knows what that’s about), and just seemed so uninviting. I’ve been wanting some floating shelves for a while now and finally pulled the trigger on this set from Wayfair. They look perfect in there with a box of tissues, candles and small plants.

swimming lessons.

Will started swimming lessons! Our local YMCA just opened last year and I’ve been waiting for a spot to open up for Will’s age group. As far as he is concerned, the jury is still out, but I really enjoy the classes and learning to help him learn the skills he needs to be safe in the water.

fire & flow.

I recently started a new workout program and I’m really enjoying it. In the past, I’ve fallen off the wagon when a program has heavy lifting several days in a row and I’m so sore I can barely move comfortably. I’ve been doing Fire & Flow for a couple weeks now, and I love the workouts alternate from weightlifting to mobility and flexibility workouts. It’s much more sustainable for me.

Harry Potter audiobooks.

I mentioned last week that I recently tried a Harry Potter audiobook. Well, the narrator is amazing. It’s like experiencing the story in a whole new way and I’m very much looking forward to the next one. It’s my new favorite way to enjoy a commute or walk.

“It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat: for God gives rest to His loved ones.” Psalm 127:2

“I have told you these things so that, in Me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

See this gallery in the original post