Always, Bekah

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6 Fun Dates For Valentine’s Day

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

Is it just me, or did heart-shaped everything take over the world about a week or two ago? It is wild to me how early these things start.

I usually don’t care for Valentine’s Day. I don’t think it’s a big deal, nor do I think whether or not you have a “valentine” should be a metric for one’s success in life.

As I sit down to think about it now, I think it’s sweet. For me, Valentine’s Day is a very chill, happy holiday where you celebrate those you love.

When I think of ways to celebrate, I always think of a fun date. Something a little special (or a lot special if you want to go all out), something a little outside the norm.

Regardless of what your relationship status is, or what stage your relationship is in, dates are fun. While I’m in the incredible, yet stressful and exhausting stage of “married a few years with a toddler”, a nice date is still something I look forward to. Elliot and I will celebrate 5 years of marriage in May, and it’s cool to look back on all the fun dates we’ve enjoyed together.

I asked him what a few of his were and I was surprised to learn that many of the dates that were most memorable to me, were some of his favorites too! These are by no means the fanciest. In fact, they’re the least fancy, the least expensive, the most silly that we remember the most.

Like when we went hiking in Acadia all day, and planned to grab dinner on the way home, but everything was closed on a Sunday evening. Elliot dropped me off at our Airbnb to get a shower while he went to the grocery store and bought every pre-made food item that sounded good after a long day of hiking. He returned with chicken tenders, a salad of sorts, mac & cheese, sushi, lo mein, and some chips. And so it was, the very first “grocery smorgiebord”.

We spent the evening on the couch watching Enola Holmes on Netflix and housing snacks like feral animals. We had so much fun that every time we go on a hiking trip, we leave one night for grocery store smorgiebord. It’s tradition.

While this was a silly example, dates are a really fun part of being in a relationship, so I encourage you to do something fun, either with your significant other, a bestie or whoever you like to hang with. Here are some of my favorite dates - there are ideas for brand-new relationships and for those married with kids.


There’s a new fondue restaurant in Delaware! Based in Milford, and we have reservations next week!

breakfast + 2nd and Charles

Go out for breakfast and coffee, then browse a used book store in Newark. Love.

day in philly: museum + dinner

There is no shortage of indoor attractions in Philadelphia. Here’s a list I found of museums with free (or very low) admission. Spend a day in the city with your valentine, then grab dinner or drinks at a beautiful place like The Dandelion. It even has afternoon tea! Sign me up!


Who doesn’t love a slice of pizza after browsing some of the greatest products all under the same roof? It may not be romantic, but for busy parents of a toddler, we love this one. And it is definitely a date.

snacko table

a charcuterie board, but don’t limit yourself to just one board. Fill your table with all of the best snacks and play a board game. Or cards. Or whatever.

book exchange + chocolate

exactly like the Scandinavian Christmas Eve tradition. Buy each other a book, open them and spend the evening reading and eating chocolate together.

..aaandd now I want to do all of these things.

If you have any fun date ideas that I missed here, drop them below! I always need date ideas.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossions 3:14

See this gallery in the original post