2024 Wrap-Up
It’s a new year, friends.
It’s a new opportunity for growth, love, peace, patience, and if you’re in a tough season, survival.
Personally, I don’t have a single new idea, word, goal, or resolution this year. Earlier this week, Elliot and I were having a (very loud and often interrupted, by none other than our precious and very chatty toddler) lunch, and we were discussing how neither of us have had a moment lately to reflect on the new year rapidly approaching. We were both in the weird “I can’t believe its a new year already” mindset, so we took a few minutes to reflect on the past year and the things we did and did not accomplish, and how we felt about the new year.
Initially, I felt like 2024 was just one of those years where not a lot happened, and I just kind of progressed along as best I could, but as we talked, I found so many fun things to celebrate about 2024. No, we didn’t do anything huge, like buy a house or have a baby, but we did those things the last two years, and it’s kind of nice to have a year where there isn’t a massive life change happening, and regular everyday stuff happens instead.
Things that happened in 2024
I started back to school to get my MBA.
We paid off a solid chunk of debt.
I attended Opening Day at the Phillies.
We took our first cruise together, just the two of us.
I did a lot of therapy and working on myself.
We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, and attended a couple weddings.
We kept a toddler alive.
I got pregnant with our second child.
We made a lot of small updates to our home.
I ran a 5K.
We bought a truck.
We successfully evicted Will from his crib and into a big bed and new room.
I read 54 books, surpassing my reading challenge.
We overhauled our front garden.
I served on both a Chrysalis weekend and my first Emmaus weekend.
While I have no doubt that 2025 will present its own bundle of challenges, I’m really looking forward to it. We will welcome a little girl into our family, and hopefully make some progress toward making this home our very own. Every year has its ups and downs, but I think my main focus for 2025 is to learn from the mistakes, grow a little more and continue to lean on God and do my best to serve Him and my family as it grows by two more tiny feet.
Happy New Year!
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11