Always, Bekah

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June Highlights

If June was any sign of what this summer will be like, it’s going to fly by.

Tomorrow is July, and I haven’t even been to the pool yet! I did sneak in a quick beach day, so I guess I’m good to go.

I can’t complain, this month has truly been a fun one. Let’s get started on the highlights!

High School Reunion.

On June 11, I (and my fellow classmates of the class of 2011) celebrated 11 years, to the day, since our high school graduation. It would have been nice to have a 10 year reunion, but COVID, so we had a bunch of 11’s to celebrate. I was a little apprehensive at first, but it ended up being a lovely evening of fun, food, games and seeing some people I haven’t seen in 11 years! Our planning committee did an amazing job of making it a really nice event for us.


Elliot’s softball season started up again for the summer and I thoroughly enjoy it. I know he’s the one playing, but it’s an evening I get to spend outside, doing absolutely nothing but watching a game. Do I get a little competitive for church softball? Absolutely. But it’s so much fun and I really do love this season and it helps me to get out and relax a little bit more.

Baby Announcement.

If you were around last week, I was finally able to share some big news with you! I’m having a baby!! If you haven’t checked it out and would like ALL the details, you can read the whole post here.

Avocado + Egg Bagels.

As I am pregnant, I am also officially the Queen of Snackos. Lately, I’ve been enjoying a late breakfast/early lunch of a toasted bagel topped with avocado and some scrambled eggs. I like to mix a little bit of spinach in my eggs to get some extra veggies in, and of course, some Everything But The Bagel seasoning. It is *chef’s kiss* delightful.


Both of my girls are June babies. Ellie turned 7 on the 7th, and I am truly in shock. I mean, SEVEN?! Where did the time go? Our “puppy”, Mollie, is officially a grown-up pup, and turned 3 on the 15th. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone, but I am so grateful for these girls and the joy and companionship they bring to Elliot and I. We are obsessed with them. As a super intelligent and high-maintenance breed, they are a lot of work, but they are so worth it and we’re so glad they are part of our little fam-bam.

I got them little puppy ice cream cups from Aldi, and they LOVED them. Poor Ellie kept scooting her cup across the floor, so Elliot held her cup for her (pictured). He’s such a good dad. Anyway, enjoy some photos of the best girls being extra cute.

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11

“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:12