Always, Bekah

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May Highlights

How did May fly by so quickly?

Seriously, it feels like I was writing up my April Highlights 3 days ago. Wild.

It’s definitely been the busiest month of 2022 for me, and I am ever-so-slightly looking forward to slowing down just a bit in June. That being said, its a long one today. Lots happened, lots to tell.

I hope you all have enjoyed this lovely spring month as much as I have. Here are the highlights!

Trey Kennedy.

For a date night, Elliot snagged some tickets to see Trey Kennedy, as his tour brought him all the way to Wilmington, Delaware. Neither one of us had ever been to a comedy show, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun trying something new and expanding our horizons. It was a mostly millennial crowd (hello, friends) and we spent the evening laughing so hard at MLMs and gender reveals.

Garden Update.

In addition to planting my veggies in my raised beds, I also had a chance to weed, plant some new bushes and spruce up my front garden beds. I am the proud new owner of a rose bush and it might be my new favorite plant friend. My sister says I’m a weirdo, but I also have some herbs planted in my beds, and they are THRIVING. I mean, where I had three stems of oregano last year, I now have a whole bush. It’s insane.

P.S. - if you’re local and want some fresh oregano, I’m your girl. No seriously, please take it.

In the back, I’ve got lettuce growing like a weed, a few zucchinis making an appearance, and a little bit of kale. I would have had some broccolini, if Mollie hadn’t decided it was a fun toy and uprooted it and dragged it across the yard four times. Yes, I replanted the poor thing four times. I had hope, okay?

3 Years.

On May 18, Elliot and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. Like I said, it’s been a busy two weeks, and we didn’t have plans that night, so we decided to have a chill night at home and made what I am now and forevermore calling, a Snacko Table. Some people make charcuterie boards; we make Snacko Tables. Essentially, we filled up our kitchen table with all of our favorite snacks: chicken nuggets, carrots and celery sticks, onion rings, a fruit bowl, veggie pizza slices, cheese and crackers, you name it, it was on the table. We spent some quality time enjoying some snacks and being besties, and it was exactly what my soul needed. Marriage is a crazy thing; sometimes it’s romantic candlelight dinners, and sometimes it’s chickie nuggies and ranch dip.

Good Samaritan 5K.

This past weekend, our church hosted it’s second Good Samaritan 5K Walk/Run. The last time we were able to have it was in 2019, pre-pandemic. This event is a lot of hard work to organize and pull off, but we were so blessed to have an incredible turnout. It was hot, but we had a dedicated group who came and ran (or walked!) and raised some funds to support our food pantry! God is good.

Dinner with Corinne.

Corinne is one of my very best friends, and my oldest friend by far. We met when we were 3 or 4 at church and were instant friends. When we went to college, Corinne moved to Florida. We talk every several months, and see each other maybe once a year if we’re lucky. She was up in Philly this past weekend for a wedding and we were able to grab some dinner and catch up. It’s truly a blessing to have a friend where you can pick up right where you left off. I am so grateful for her friendship all these years and seeing her was a real highlight of this month. I’m crying now just thinking about how much I love her LOLZ.

Elliot FINALLY graduated!!

Last, but certainly not least, Elliot finally got to walk at his graduation. Most of you know that he completed his Bachelor of Science in Computer Network and Security back in December. Unfortunately, we had a COVID surge shortly after the holidays, and his ceremony was postponed til the spring. We finally were able to properly celebrate this incredible accomplishment! I’m so proud of my guy.

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea 6:3

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:3