Always, Bekah

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Life Lessons From My Mom

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and for many of us, that means we spend a day doting on and appreciating our moms for all they do and all they are.

Moms are amazing. They are always there, whether it’s to listen to a vent session, to help us out in a pinch, or just to hang out.

We love our moms and are so grateful for them.

My mom in particular, is quite the lady. She is kind and thoughtful, humble and selfless, and the most giving person I know. She is silly and laughs often, mostly at herself, and is always down for a little happy hour party.

For today’s post, I’m going to share some little life lessons, or Joyce-isms, that I learned from the one and only herself. These are things that stick with me all the time and every time I think of them, I think of her.

  1. Energy creates energy.

    Many people describe my mother as the Energizer bunny. It’s true. She likes to get up early and move. It could be chores, walking the dog, or getting ready to go somewhere. The woman has a very hard time sitting still. When I was young and felt tired but knew I had things to do, she would always remind me, “Energy creates energy.” It means, if you start moving, you will feel more energized to do what you need to do. Like Newton’s law - “A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest.” Whether it is going on a walk or run, or getting chores done, she’s right. If I’m feeling sleepy and stay on the couch, I will continue to feel more and more sleepy. But, if I get up and start moving, I won’t feel as tired and will be able to get some things done.

  2. Always do what you don’t want to do, first.

    Growing up, when my sister and I had a list of chores to do, my mom would ask us what we wanted to do the least, and told us to do that thing first. That way, the worst part is over sooner, and it’s almost like rewarding yourself with the easier or more fun tasks. Some people call it “eating a frog first thing in the morning” (weird, I know, not my idea) but it’s the same concept. Tasks seem less daunting when you don’t save the worst for last.

  3. Waste Nothing.

    I won’t lie, sometimes this drives me a little crazy, but, my mother is firmly against wasting ANYTHING. It could be actual garbage and she would find a way to use it. She could single-handedly save the planet by reusing things, I’m telling you. However, this has instilled in me a lifestyle of not wasting. It’s a rare occurrence that food in our refrigerator goes bad, because I’m so used to checking things and making sure to eat them before they’re bad. I’m a big fan of Buy Nothing and use it often so I don’t have to throw away perfectly good items, just because I don’t use them anymore. I’m grateful for this mindset and I truly believe it’s helped me to save money and be mindful of waste.

  4. You Don’t Need A Reason To Have A Party.

    My mom will celebrate anything and everything. When I was a kid, my mom would head to bed early with a glass of wine and a bowl of Cheez-Its and read a book. I would crawl onto her bed with her and ask her what she was doing and her answer was always,

    “I’m having a party.”

    The older I get, the more I realize that wine and Cheez-It parties are the BEST parties. Especially in bed. With a book. I mean, what part of that doesn’t sound like the best idea ever? And why can’t we have parties alone with our favorite snacks and drinks? Trick question: because you can. You do not need a reason to have a little party, even if you’re by yourself.

    Now, my mom likes to plan regular happy hours. She will call me and ask if I have plans and bring over snacks and a bottle of wine and just hang out for absolutely no reason at all.

    I love that. I love having a little party on a Tuesday for absolutely no reason at all. I love Cheez-Its and crackers and snacks and drinky-drinks and hanging out with my fam and celebrating life for what it is, on any given day. And mostly, I love that I learned that from my mom.

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    If your mom taught you any particular “mom-isms” drop them in the comments below!

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'" Proverbs 31:28-29

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:13-14