Always, Bekah

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The Lazy List

Y’all know The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars? Of course you have. Why do I ask? No reason.

Anyway, I’ve been feeling real lazy lately. I do not want to do a darn thing. The weather is cold and rainy and yucky and I want to be on my couch, doing absolutely nothing. Except maybe a Harry Potter marathon…and some Girl Scout cookies.

Every so often, I find myself stuck in a tired and lazy slump. Usually, its my body telling me I need to rest and take a day to decompress. I’m an otherwise-productive person who has a running list of things to do every single day of my life, so I’ve learned to be okay with a “down-day”, as I like to call it.

We all need rest. We all like to tell ourselves otherwise, but we’re not fooling anyone. We spend our days working, running errands and generally spinning our wheels. We go to bed (usually later than intended), and we get back up the next morning and do it all over again.

It’s no surprise that if we don’t slow down and take a break, our bodies will literally shut down for us - in the form of a cold, headache or other unpleasant symptom. It is not a good time. I won’t speak for anyone, but I would much rather give myself a day to rest than get sick because I didn’t.

Here I am, not wanting to do anything, much less write a whole blog post on (yuck, I don’t even want to say it) getting healthy and/or exercise. Oof. No thank you.

So I won’t. I know that technically I’m a “blogger” in a world where everyone only shows their highlight reel online, but I refuse to do that. I refuse to tell you how I like to exercise and what workouts I do, when all I want to do is lay on my couch with my dogs. That’s not real. Real life is being lazy somedays and not wanting to write. Real life is taking a day off when you need it. Real life is the good and the bad, the healthy and the sick, the struggles and the celebrations. You can’t have one without the other.

I decided that I was going to tell you all that I’m feeling lazy, and since that is not a very exciting post, I’ve decided to take it one step further, because I’m willing to bet that sometimes you feel lazy, too. And maybe, you’re like me, and struggle with taking a day off to rest.

One thing I know about myself is that I feel my best when I’m at least a little bit productive, even on a down-day. I like to make a short “I’d Like To-Do” list (because of course I do), that I can cross a few things off and know I did something for myself. Today I’m sharing my list of super-small and easy things that I do to feel good and productive when I take a day to rest.

The Lazy List

  1. Water Plants

  2. Hydrate - for me, I like to make sure I drink at least 72 ounces of water

  3. Yoga or stretching

  4. Walk dogs

  5. Read at least a chapter of a book (or finish one)

  6. Bring in the mail

  7. Skincare

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

“Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27