Always, Bekah

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January Highlights

January is usually a weird time for me, but I’ll be honest, this has been a great month. I’m very happy with the way 2022 has started.

Okay, maybe not 100%. I mean, I definitely kicked off the New Year on my couch with COVID, and the world is a weird place. I’m sad that so many people are sick, but I remain hopeful that this too shall pass. On the bright side, this surge has gifted me some time at home to rest and focus on time with my family. I also got to catch up on some movies this month - and yes, of course I’m going to tell you about it.

Harry Potter Reunion.

FRIENDS. On January 1st, HBOMax launched the HP Reunion, which was pure MAGIC. Almost the entire cast of HP came together and they all shared memories and fun facts as they went through the making of the entire series. As a lifelong fan of all things Potter, it was just what my soul needed to start off the New Year. 10/10 would recommend.

New Hair.

I haven’t colored my hair since I went dark cherry with a bottle of Arctic Fox in 2019. It was fun and it took forever to fade, so if you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to go red (or any other fun color, really) WITHOUT wrecking every hair on your head, I would 10/10 recommend. But, that’s not the point. A few weeks ago, I went ash brown and I love it. Granted, I only went a cooler tone of my actual hair color, so for me, it was a nice, subtle change for winter.

Also, my mom, Joyce, who does not approve of her daughters changing their perfect-just-the-way-it-is, God-given hair color, reviewed it with “It’s VERY similar to your natural hair. It’s also VERY dark.”

Yes, Joyce. Correct on both accounts.

Taylor Acorn.

I don’t know how I only just discovered this artist but I. Am. Obsessed. She has some great country hits, but then hits you with some rock covers of emo bands that I listened to when I was in high school. There isn’t a single song of hers that I’ve listened to and didn’t love, so if you need me, Taylor Acorn will be in the background.

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Philadelphia Magic Gardens.

My dear, sweet husband took me to see the Philadelphia Magic Gardens (because it was one my 101 in 1,001 list) on the coldest day of the year. It was beautiful. It’s this tiny little spot that you could probably miss if you’re walking too fast, but so cool to explore and see how an artist decorated any and every surface he could get his hands on with mosaics. If you’re ever exploring Philly, I would definitely recommend checking it out.


We watched a couple “new” movies this month and they were WINNERS.

First, ENCANTO. Yes, I realize that it’s taking the world by storm, and rightfully so. It’s wonderful. The music is wonderful, the story is wonderful, the characters have their own little therapy sessions while they’re singing and it’s just delightful. I’ve watched it three times so far and have sobbed in the car to the soundtrack no less than 37 times.

Next, THE SHACK. I had never seen the movie, but my parents recommended it and Oh. My. Goodness. What a powerful film. I loved the way they portrayed the Trinity and it was a completely new way to view God and our relationship with Him. It was so convicting and comforting at the same time. I’m still thinking about several details and will probably watch it again soon. And read the book, so I can weep some more.

We also FINALLY finished the Avengers series. I know, I know, it came out FOREVER ago. Anyway, we did an Avenger weekend, and it was amazing, (and I cried, a lot) and now I may or may not be on a Marvel kick, watching everything on Disney+.

Quick recap: In January, I watched a bunch of movies and wept.

This GIF isn’t mine…but ya know, it’s a good visual.

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“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” - Hebrews 12:14

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33