Always, Bekah

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July Highlights

Part of me has no idea how it’s the end of July already, and the other part feels like the 4th was SO long ago.

Anyway, it’s summertime and everything is wonderful because ya girl is on vacation with the fam-bam in Cabo. Life is good.

Nothing really tops this, but here are the rest of my July Highlights!

Fourth Of July.

My sister and brother-in-law threw their second Independence Day bash, complete with a full fireworks show. Our family from Maryland was able to come and it was so nice to see them again after such a long year of being apart. We wore fun outfits and ate a bunch of food and it was just wonderful.

….yes we absolutely dressed up the girls and took a family photo….we are those dog pawrents, and we have no shame, thankyouverymuch.

Saturday Pancakes.

As it’s the only morning we don’t have to be up early for anything, Saturday mornings are special. When I was a kid, my mom would make waffles on Saturday mornings. That always felt special to me, so I wanted to recreate that tradition in a way. Now that I have a Monday-Friday schedule, we sleep in a little bit and we make pancakes. It's been one month of Saturday Pancakes and I have to say, it's been a game changer. Sometimes we jazz it up and I make Elliot's favorite, chocolate pancakes with peanut butter chips, but either way, its a good time and I highly recommend taking a Saturday morning just to hang out and make some pancakes with the fam.

New Friends.

Elliot joined a softball team this spring, and it's been a really fun way to spend some summer evenings and make new friends. We've met a lot of really great people, and even went to a pool party with all new friends (which for me, the introvert, was slightly stressful, but for Elliot, my extroverted husband, was basically the best day ever). All in all, it was a good time. It's nice to make new couple friends after a year of zero new friends.

Pap's Birthday!

Friends, today is my father's birthday. My Dad, Pap, Pappy, Pappuccino, The Legend, whatever you call him, turns 60 today! He is, hands-down, the best dad on the planet, and I love him to pieces. In fact, we're all on vacation right now celebrating his birthday, and it's a blessing to be able to celebrate all of his years with him in this very special way. So, if you're reading this, do me a favor and give him a shout! Here in the comments is perfect, but you can also find him on Facebook or on the Hot Mess page. Thanks, guys!

Also, here is the cutest photo of the fam-bam. You’re welcome.

PSA: Remember, in a week or so (depending on how my life goes), this site will no longer be Hope for the Hot Mess, and will be Always, Bekah. Keeping that in mind, I'll be sending the weekly email from the new email address, The Facebook page will also have a name change. Just a heads up!

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13