Always, Bekah

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My Fall Bucket List

I've been telling myself to be cool for about two weeks now.


Because fall is basically here.


You know that scene in Mulan where Mushu literally rises up out the ground and yells, "I LIVE!!"

See this content in the original post

Yeah. It’s me. I’m Mushu.

Anyway, that's where I'm at, and I am hoping and praying you're with me, because if you're not, then you can just go ahead and skip this post.

And there go half my readers.....We will miss them.

For those of you still with me, Praise Jesus for you. You are my PEOPLE.

And you are probably aware that I write no less than 3 fall-themed blog posts per fall, and right on time, here is #1.

This is my third year making some sort of list of stuff that gives me all the warm and cozy feels. I do this because fall is legitimately my favorite time of year, and time flies by way too quickly for my liking. In Delaware, we probably get a few weeks of perfect fall weather, and I like to make the most of that time.

My sister and I both have fall birthdays so not only is it a season of joy and celebration for me, but many of my fondest childhood memories are of these fall activities - my dad taking us and our friends on hayrides, bobbing for apples (Fun Fact: I am a record-holder in this event), carving pumpkins, jumping in piles of leaves and enjoying these little, precious moments.

These moments are precious to me, because they are gifts. The ability to enjoy a pumpkin spice latte on a sunny day is a gift. Enjoying a warm meal with my family is a gift. Spending an afternoon picking crisp apples and eating warm apple cider donuts is a gift. These are gifts I do not deserve, and many in this world can only dream of.

In a world that is just so ugly and cruel and heartbreaking, our only hope is found in Jesus Christ, and only in Him do we find everything we need. These tiny moments of joy are gifts from Him. It may seem frivolous to make a point to have a fancy coffee and wear a sweater, but for me, it's a reminder of how good God is, that he doesn't forget "even a sparrow" (Matt. 10:29-31). He remembers me, He knows me, and He loves me (and you) more than we can imagine. He knows that I sometimes get sad or frustrated or angry with this broken world. He also knows that His girl LOVES some pumpkin spice.

So here's my Fall Bucket List 2021 (might as well start dating these things). It's got some old stuff that never gets old, and some things that are new to the list.

Fall 2021 Bucket List

  • Watch Hocus Pocus & Hocus Pocus 2!!!!!

  • Fill home with fall decor and pumpkin candles.

  • Watch at least 3 HP movies.

  • Wear sweaters as often as possible.

  • Pick apples at Fifer’s Orchard.

  • Buy a handful of cute pumpkins.

  • Make the Harvest Skillet (recipe here).

  • Bake Pumpkin Chai cupcakes (recipe here).

  • Enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  • Host Halloween and hand out candy with my family.

  • Enjoy some cold evenings on my porch with a cup of tea.

  • Watch a spooky movie.

  • Host a bonfire - or two!

If you find yourself in a ball of feelings and fuzzy socks, know that we're in this together, and here are ALL of my fall posts, in this cute little list that is definitely not overboard and 100% just enough.

The Seasonal Shake-Up: Hocus Pocus & Hot Apple Cider

5 Fall Favorites

How I Prepared For Fall This Year

Estates, Dates & Apple Pie

“Likewise Luke, records Jesus telling His disciples, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17