Always, Bekah

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5 Budget Hacks

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

I'm kind of on a productivity kick, I guess. Sorry, not sorry.

Anyway, this month has been a month of new habits. I was inspired by Keri, and decided to only watch TV on the weekends for the month of September. I found I spent too much time deciding what I wanted to watch in the evening, and then would stay up later than I liked because just "one more episode!" Elliot agreed to do it with me, and it's been really nice spending the evenings with each other, or reading or whatever else. It also makes it more meaningful when I really want to watch a certain movie or something, and not only do I not waste time browsing Netflix or Disney+, but I also really look forward to watching whatever I want to.

I like it, I'll probably keep it up.

In addition to No TV September, we also took another look at our budget, and made a few changes. Typically, we're pretty strict about our budget, and I've picked up a few tips that I'm sharing with you all today.

Make A Budget.

Honestly, it's just such a good idea. As the Type A psychopath that I am, I am consistently checking our accounts and making sure things are correct. We've tried several budgeting tools, (EveryDollar is a great free option!), and like to keep it organized, so that we can afford fun things, like dates and traveling, and also save money. It's also helpful to plan for large expenses, such as a vacation or home improvement project.

Save 5% of Your Paycheck.

If you have direct deposit, I highly recommend depositing 5% of your paycheck into your savings. Many workplaces allow for multiple accounts to be set up for direct deposit, so that money automatically goes to savings. I've been doing this for several years, and I love it. I honestly don't even notice, and it's nice to know I'm consistently putting money towards savings, even if it's just a little bit.

No Spend September (or any month).

Our budget includes a Date Fund, and personal spending items, but this month, I really wanted to lock down our spending and see what our finances looked like with no extras. It's only one month, and it hasn't been too bad at all, to be honest. We simply haven't eaten out just because, and haven't shopped for anything we didn't need. I tend to be the stricter one, but I'm learning that I don't have to "rice and beans" it all the time. You'll get the reference if you're a Dave Ramsey fan, which I am. If you have a month where you don’t have a lot going on, I recommend trying to cut your extra spending, if not only to save a little extra. You know, for Christmas, or birthdays or whatever.


Disclaimer: Although I am a Ramsey fan, I do disagree with him on one thing. I think credit cards are useful, when used wisely.

I have an Amazon Prime credit card, for two reasons.

  1. The card on its own would have an annual fee, and it's covered with the Prime membership, so it's basically a free card with extra benefits, like travel emergency insurance and extended warranties.

  2. It gives 5% back on Amazon purchases, and like everyone else, I buy a lot of things on Amazon. As a result, I rack up a decent chunk of points. I save them throughout the year and use them for Christmas shopping. This way, I can still buy for everyone on my list, but it's not such a blow to the budget.

Credit cards can be tricky, but I make sure to pay it off completely every month, and I don't buy things I can't afford on it. In that case, I'll just save up. I do enjoy the perks of having cash back and points for certain purchases, and I've found them to be helpful.

Find low-budget options.

Living on a budget doesn't mean you have to give up living your life. For No-Spend September, we're not eating out, but we're still doing date nights. I bought a 3 month subscription for date boxes, and I get an in-home date, already planned and supplied for less than $40. It's less than a dinner date, and we have really enjoyed them so far. If you want to try a datebox for yourself, click here.

I guarantee if you get creative, you can find a more affordable option for almost anything. Go to the movies on a Tuesday - tickets are cheaper. Check Groupon for activities. Look for coupons before you go shopping to maximize savings. Make your grocery list before you go shopping, and don't buy anything extra. You can do it.

And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke 12:15

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5