Always, Bekah

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The Loft Makeover

This post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I’ve tried and love!

The loft is done! AHHH!!!

A few months ago, we decided to officially clean out our spare room and make it Elliot's office. It has been used as a storage space for wedding decorations, projects, Christmas gifts and who knows what else for far too long. Elliot has been using the loft, but since he primarily works from home, we thought it might be helpful for him to have a door…you know, for like meetings and stuff when I’m home and just wanna live my best life. My best life tends to be a little loud sometimes…

Which left our loft open, and by open, I mean full of junk. It's a smallish space, but I always hoped it could be used as a reading nook or workspace. I don't work from home or anything, but I have written this blog from my couch for the last two years, and I can tell you, it's not the most productive atmosphere.

It was definitely a low-budget project, but I love the way it turned out and now I have a sweet little space to write and work and get organized. And also finally hang my diplomas...

Once we cleared out all of the junk, and either put it in storage or gave it away, I ordered a bookshelf and desk on Wayfair. They were rather inexpensive, as I bought them on sale, but the desk is the perfect size and has everything I need. And the bookshelf was a necessary item, as it’s already full.

I had a desk, and a bookshelf, but I also had one very lonely, empty corner. I looked high and low for ottomans, shelves, console tables, and nothing fit. Finally, I decided I wanted to have a pop of color, but nothing too large, since the girls primarily take up that space. Yes, I absolutely removed both dog beds for these photos. Not that the girls lay on them anyway, they take turns shoving themselves under my small desk to lay on my feet. It’s endearing and very inconvenient, but here we are.

Anyway, back to the lonely corner. I love peach, so I looked for a peach colored planter with a stand, and let me tell you something. I found one. ONE. And it was $120. FOR A PLANTER.

Insane, I tell you.

So I told myself, "Self, I can make that."

I set out for an inexpensive planter (found at HomeGoods for $12.99), a can of spray paint (I used this one) + a sealer ($10), and a plant stand on Amazon ($20, but it's actually on sale right now!), and voila! I have a lovely, peach planter for less than $50. It is perfect in my tiny corner and is my favorite pop of color.

The only light in the loft is from a small window, and I’m blessed to have an excellent electrician for a brother-in-law, so we asked him to install some lights. He put in these beautiful puck lights, and the best part is, they dim!! He even taught Elliot how to install the dimmer switch, and they are just perfect for writing in the evenings.

I found this cute piece of art, and the corkboard/whiteboard on my local Buy Nothing Facebook page, and my little blogging space was complete.

Check out my before and after pictures!



Friends, you have no idea how good it felt to write this blog post in this space. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m so happy to share it with you today, and to show that it’s definitely possible to do a room makeover on a budget. It just takes a little time and patience!

Also, a Buy Nothing group. They have been so helpful. Check and see if your area has a Buy Nothing group and join!

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5