Always, Bekah

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May Highlights

May FLEW by.

It's always a bittersweet thing for me when my favorite months go by so quickly.

It's been a fun month, and a busy one. I hope you’ve enjoyed your May as much as I enjoyed mine! Check out the highlights below!


My favorite part of May is our anniversary, and we celebrated this one with a trip to Shenandoah! We packed up the girls and headed out for a long weekend of hiking, eating and resting. You can read the full post here, and add it to your list of destinations to visit!

GAB Folk Show.

Early in May, the Great Awakening Band recorded a 70's folk show for a retirement home. I'll be honest, I never saw myself playing 70's music as a performance, but it was really cool and we had a blast doing it. We have another gig coming up in June and it's exciting to be playing again regularly.


Ugh, I know it's so bougie...but it's the truth. My previous pair of AirPods were a Christmas gift in I've had them for a while. They had seen better I would get through half of a run and then one or both would die - it was always a surprise. Then I would be stuck 2 miles from home with no tunes. It was a real first world problem that I am not ashamed to admit bugs me. But my new pair is really comfy, and the sound quality is just delightful. Mostly, I'm really happy that I can go for a full run without them dying.

Church Softball.

Elliot joined a church softball team and for the last few weeks, I've been spending some afternoons outside watching softball. I used to play in high school, and I love watching the games and making new friends. Actually, one of the guys on his team was a good friend of mine from middle school! It's been a fun way to get out and enjoy some fresh air, and some community engagement that I've missed so much.

Il Makiage.

Okay, so let's be clear, I almost never buy startup products on Instagram. Il Makiage is definitely the makeup you've seen in IG ads, and it was strongly recommended by my sister and my best friend. So two solid recs was enough to convince me to try it, and I'm glad I did. It's pricey, but it's the only liquid foundation that I can wear all day and not want to scrub my face off after an hour or two. The coverage is lovely, and it really does look and feel like skin. Check out my try-on in my IG Stories.

Garden Update.

My garden is almost like my baby right now - I check on it almost obsessively. I was very concerned that I would kill off everything within a few weeks, but it's doing so well! We've got some healthy plants growing, and I'm looking forward to some fresh veggies next month (hopefully!).

See you in June!



"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” Song of Songs 2:11-13