Always, Bekah

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4 Ways To Refresh + Refuel

This time tomorrow, ya girl is on VACATION.

It is so needed. I have been running on fumes and caffeine for two days now and I am ready. to. go.

This is a busy season, and I have a terrible habit of not slowing down until I have no choice. I have a feeling some of you are the same way.

So this week, we're going to take a break. All of us. Collectively. Get excited.

This post will be short and sweet, because we all need to spend some time resting and rejuvenating.

As silly as it sounds, it's taken me almost 27 years to learn that I'm a better wife, friend, sister, and daughter when I have taken a little bit of time to rest my body and my mind.

That is my goal this week.

To rest. To not think about a thousand things going on. To focus on each and every moment. To appreciate the beauty of nature and breathe fresh air. To enjoy my time away with my little family, and to return refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.

Since this is a group effort (that means all of us, right?) and we're all in this together, here's 4 ways all of us can take a little time to unwind.

Take a walk.

Leave your phone at home and get outside. Take in your surroundings and be present in the moment. Spend a few moments on gratitude or in prayer.

Put your phone away.

Even if it's just for an hour. Give yourself some time away from a screen to read a book, do a puzzle, hang out with your family, or play a game.

Be kind to your body.

Drink a lot of water and eat some veggies. Limit your caffeine and alcohol consumption. Move your body and give it the rest it needs.

Set aside some time for an activity that you enjoy.

Do something that you love to do, just for fun. Don't pressure yourself into doing something perfectly, just engage in the activity because it brings you joy. It could be music, crafting, writing, dancing, whatever floats your boat.

For me, these things will look like hiking, reading, quality time with Elliot and the girls, and lots of good food!

For more on rest and self-care, check out this post from last year, The Significance of Self-Care!



“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”  2 Corinthians 5:17