Always, Bekah

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How To Stay (Somewhat) Healthy During The Holidays

You know how some people tend to fluctuate about 5-10 lbs. heavier during the holidays?

HAHA. It's me. I'm some people.

I'm not saying it's super noticeable, or even a bad thing. I'm just saying I'm guilty of it.

However, this year I said to myself,

"Self, what hear me out. What if we didn't do that thing where we take full advantage of sweater weather and gain a few pounds of Christmas cookies and stuffing? Just a thought."

After some time, I decided it would be worth a shot.

The way I did this, was setting a really simple goal that I knew I could achieve, but would take a little bit of awareness.

Disclaimer: Every body is different, and for me, this is a simple goal. It might not be for others. We all know how our bodies work best and how to set achievable goals.

Anyway, my goal was to fluctuate around 2 pounds less than I was currently fluctuating around. We all fluctuate in weight at different times of the day and depending on water intake and such, so I'm aware that it could be higher or lower, but I wanted to have a slightly lower average.

I didn't say I was going to lose 5 pounds in a week or two, or even a month. I simply wanted to average around 2 pounds less. That's all. I knew it was definitely achievable, but not if I shoveled cookies into my face as they come out of the oven. This goal allowed me to enjoy holiday parties, desserts, meals and drinks throughout the season.

I'll be honest, I haven't even hit that goal yet. I have about a pound or so left to go, but I'm not rushing it. I wanted this to be a natural thing based on choices, and I'm not worried about hitting it anytime soon.

Because you know what?

I haven't gained the 5 pounds of holiday weight. And that's really the whole point.

It's easy to make a few small changes - what's not easy is doing a swift change in the springtime when you want to shed some weight for summer. Here are the actual things I've done this fall to keep my health in check, turned into tips for maintaining weight during the holidays and cold months when it's easy to put on a few pounds.

  1. Drink a lot of water.

    It's obvious, sure, but so important. Water helps to flush out your system, keep your digestive system moving and gives you energy. All good things.

  2. Don't Forget Your Veggies.

    Look, it's cold out. I get that it's not "salad season". It's soup season, but that doesn't mean you get to skimp on the vegetables. I've said it before, and will probably never stop saying it because, well, I am who I am, but it's all about balance. I try to plan and prepare healthy meals during the week (mostly soups, because hygge) so if I splurge a little at an event or out to dinner, it's okay. I incorporate at least one serving of vegetables into every meal, and less carbs, if possible, to keep my tummy happy and healthy and also allow for the extra dessert now and then. It's so easy to load up a soup with vegetables - my favorite way is to throw an extra handful or two of carrots and celery or whatever vegetable the soup calls for.

  3. Say No When It Doesn't Matter.

    I don't know about you, but there's a difference between having a late night cookie at home, and having a cookie at a party. At a party, you're there to eat what others brought, and you usually know you're going to partake in all the festive goodies. Have the cookie. If you're craving a cookie or slice of pie, have it. If you're watching a Christmas movie and feeling snacky, but for nothing in particular or you're just picking up a dessert because you're bored, say no. Saying no to high-calorie snacks when it doesn't matter as much gives you the opportunity to say yes at an event with lots of yummy options.

  4. Find Substitutes.

    To piggyback off of that previous one, if you're just feeling snacky, it's easy to find a healthier option to satisfy your craving. In the evenings, I like to have a cup of tea. I used to enjoy ice cream every night, or a sweet snack, but realized I was inhaling a lot of unnecessary calories for no reason. Tea comes in hundreds of flavors, so I like a sweet cinnamon apple, lemon, or even mint flavored tea with a touch of honey for something to sip on. I'm usually not even hungry, really, I just want to eat something FOR NO REASON. What is the deal?!?

    There are also tons of healthier options, like popcorn for a salty snack, or graham crackers and peanut butter, or an apple.

    Although I just got a Sugar Plum Spice tea for Christmas, and ya girl CANNOT WAIT. I'm telling you, herbal tea is where it's at.

    omg i'm so old.

  5. Move Your Body (Just A Little Bit).

    I've made it a habit to get up early and work out before work. In the warmer months, I like to run outside, but it's cold, so that's a no-go, especially in the dark. It's also a busy season, and like many of you, I'm tired. I don't always (ahem, ever) want to get up and work out, but on those mornings, I just do yoga, or pilates or a mobility workout. It's not a hardcore cardio or weightlifting sesh, but it's movement, and my body appreciates it. It's also a great stress reliever if you woke up a little stressy or didn't sleep well. It doesn't take a lot of effort, but some movement is better than no movement.

  6. Make Healthy Substitutes (When You Can).

    Sometimes you just can't make a meal healthy. It's too good. And I get that. As someone who bakes yummy treats here and there, I completely understand. Which is why I make healthy versions of meals when I can. I've found that you can type almost any meal into Pinterest with the word "healthy" in front of it, and it will spit out about 50 recipes. I recently made a WW beef stroganoff, and while it was a bit on the thin side (probably the lack of heavy cream, go figure), the flavor was great and it still felt like I was having a cozy, comfort meal. Again, it's all about balance. When I'm baking cinnamon rolls or bread from scratch, do you think I spend all that time and effort just to use healthier ingredients? HECK NO. My homemade treats are baked with lots of love and butter, and it's going to stay that way.

There you have it. These tips are what I've been doing to stay on the slimmer side this season, and if you're in the same boat, I hope they help you too! Enjoy!

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23