Always, Bekah

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Blog Takeover: Husband Edition

In the season of giving, I’m so excited to share with you a special post! No, it’s not a Christmas post (I know, you all are shocked. I, the queen of all the holiday feels, not posting a Christmas post the day before CHRISTMAS EVE, it’s wild), but it is a gift. Today I have the honor and privilege to introduce you to my favorite human on the planet and the love of my freakin’ life - my husband, Elliot. I’ve been very busy with Christmas preparations, and he so graciously offered to write my blog post for me - an offer I couldn’t refuse. Also, I’ve been wanting to introduce him to you all for a minute now, so you could say dreams are coming true in the Salinas house.

For those of you who are full of the Christmas spirit, and are looking for some tidings of comfort and joy, here are some previous posts for you to check out (in addition to this post, because, honestly, he crushed it).

The Perfect Gift

The Seasonal Shake-Up: Joy, Hope & Light

Finding The True Spirit Of Christmas

Today is a big day! A day that so many people have been waiting for!!

At least that’s what I am telling myself as I write this. My name is Elliot, some may know me as Rebekah’s husband (aka the wonderful guy she’s always raves about), others may have no clue who I am. Regardless, here I am, so buckle up folks!

The reason why I am here today started with a joke. As most of you know, I have been in school for the past entirety of our relationship, which has kept both us running around like crazy people trying to figure out life. Well, two weeks ago, I finally finished my Bachelors degree. After being done for a week, I’ve grown to realize, I have no idea what to do with all this new-found time. The only thing I do know is that I have the compulsive need to do something “productive”, ESPECIALLY if Rebekah has something she needs to do.

Earlier this week, when Rebekah told me she that she was tired and had to work on the blog, I jokingly offered to write it since I didn’t have any homework to do. That may have been a mistake (kidding. sort of). She excitedly asked if I actually would. For those who do not know me, I am a helper, at least that is what all the Enneagram tests tell me, anyway. I couldn’t actually turn her down, even though the thought of writing something, and then sending it out for the world to see makes me want to crawl under a rock and live there forever.

So here I am, yet in another situation doing something that I am clueless about. Which actually turns out to be something I think is worth writing about! See, I do this to myself a lot, I say I’ll help out and take on something that I’ve never done before. This has become both a blessing and curse. As much as I enjoy learning and doing new things, I don’t give myself the chance to be a beginner.

As motivated as I am to help, I am equally motivated to produce “perfect” work. If anything goes wrong with something I do, I take it to heart. I know that this is a ridiculous thing to do, but I still do it. Thankfully, I have Rebekah to remind to not be such a miserable person to myself. She is always the first to call me out when I am being mean, especially to myself. She reminds me to have fun and enjoy whatever I am doing, to remember it’s okay to not know everything, and that only God is perfect.

These are things that are so important and yet can so easily be forgotten. It’s okay to not produce something perfect because we are not perfect. It’s okay to try and fail at something, and still enjoy doing that thing! There’s nothing wrong with being a beginner! Even masters make mistakes in their own craft, so have fun exploring. Take the risk and write a blog post! Pick up that camera, take some pictures, and maybe even post some of the ones that bring you joy!

I’m absolutely one of those people that likes to set New Years resolutions and try to stick to them. This year though, I think the most important resolution I am making is to treat myself with the same excitement and patience I would show to anyone else that’s starting something new. With New Years being right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about doing those things that make you feel a bit uncomfortable.

Get out there.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!