Always, Bekah

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The One Where My Vacation Got Crashed

I don’t know about you, but 2020 has been kind of stressful.

LOLZ. Understatement of the year, am I right?

What do we do when we’re tired and stressed? We take a break!….run away with us for the summer let’s go upstate!

Hamilton. Watch it. You’re welcome.

Anyway, I want a break. I want to just get away from all the craziness for a minute and ignore social media for a few days and relax and breathe some fresh air.

I was looking at my month calendar, and I noticed I had a chunk of days off over a weekend. FOR NO REASON. So I planned what I would call a “spontaneous” trip. It was a month in advance. That’s about as spontaneous as I get. I found a super cute, pet-friendly Air B&B in one of my favorite places in the world, and I booked it.

Since we started dating, I have wanted to take Elliot to Acadia National Park in Maine. It is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, in my opinion, so if I got the chance, I’m taking it. Plus, it’s hiking, and mountains, the girls will LOVE it, and not a lot of social interaction. Checks off all my boxes.

My mom is probably the only person who loves planning trips as much as I do, so I couldn’t wait to tell her. I was SO excited.

I called her and told her all about my sweet little Air B&B deal, how perfect its going to be to have actual brisk, cool weather at the end of September (Could there BE a more perfect time?), and all the things. She was, of course, very excited, and told me she was bummed that her trip to Acadia earlier this year was canceled, but that she was happy I was going at such a great time of year. Which, probably, should have been my first red flag.

The next day, she asked me what the exact dates were that I was going away. I told her, and her response was

“How funny! I am ALSO off those days!!”

Ohhhh....I see where this is going.


“I was thinking Dad and I could go up to Acadia that weekend, too!! Don’t worry, we don’t have to stay with you or anything!”

Well, that’s a relief, because you weren’t exactly invited to stay in our one-bedroom apartment.

“Okay, that’s fun! Let me know when you have the details. Love you!”

LITERALLY two days later, she calls me to tell me the good news. She has booked an Air B&B approximately 11 minutes from ours.

And that is the story of how my quiet weekend getaway with my husband and dogs is now a family affair. Crazy how that happens…

I’m totally kidding. Yes, they crashed our weekend, but it’s going to be great. Their Air B&B is a gorgeous historic home and I can’t wait to visit them. Plus, if I ask nicely, they may even watch the girls one afternoon so Elliot and I can do a tough hike together! 😉 We leave next week, and we’re spending a beautiful weekend in a beautiful place with beautiful people. I’m probably going to have a few hikes and dinners with my parents. And it’s going to be wonderful.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12